December 17, 2010
Five Years Ago Today
Two days later, on the 19th of December, 2005, I took off from Charleston. I spent the night riding the elevated trains in Chicago with the bums, before grabbing a spot at the booking computer in the lobby of the airport Hilton to book myself a spot to sleep the next night.
Five years ago I was wimpy, and scared, and more alive than I'd ever been before. I had almost total strangers telling me what a "ballsy" chick I was, how brave I must be, How they had AIDS in Africa, and I should be careful.
Five years ago I was planning to climb Kilimanjaro. I was going to see Cairo. I was spending a month in Africa, then three weeks at home, then moving *around the world* to chase my dream.
I didn't climb to the top of Kilimanjaro, but it didn't matter. I got extra sleep. I saw Lions and cheetah, and a leopard. Baboons went at it with wild abandon by the side of the road at the entrance to the Ngorongoro Crater. An elephant walked through our camp. We drank beer and roasted bananas, and laughed. I caught Malaria.
I like who I was five years ago. I was proud of that girl. She may have scammed her way into school, but *that* girl, she was going to do well, and ace everything, and live her dreams.
I'm not quite sure where she went. I haven't seen her in probably four and a half years. Back there somewhere, in the last 4 years or so, I let my dreams die. I let them get crushed under reality, and student loans, and debt. Maybe I never was that girl.
I was proud of that girl. I was proud to be her. And if maybe she was a little standoffish, and maybe she hadn't done the *whole* travel the world backpacking thing, I still think she could have been a backpacker.
I think, really, since I came back, I've just been existing. I don't really know what I want. I killed the dream I'd chased for years, probably half or more of my life. RAID kills bugs, I kill dreams.
I don't know really what I want to do with the rest of my life. I just know who I want to be. I want to be that girl who chases her dreams, striking high-fashion poses covered in grime. I want to be proud of me again.
December 10, 2010
Money Fail
I'm mostly glossing over this place now, so it's really no good for anyone.
I'll be back eventually, when I figure out what's up, and where I'm going. Right now, tho- still just "I has no dollars, I owe lots of dollars, life sucks".
No Fun.
Anyway, yeah...
December 6, 2010
Monday Update and Fast Forward on 2011 Plans
I called the cops on RM1 last night. There has been something building here (with a minor) and while I could ignore it and stay where I am until the end of the lease, I couldn't have ignored it. I'd rather be the bitch that called the cops then the blind fool who let some guy do stuff he shouldn't have. I'd rather be wrong (or too early) calling the cops, then right and ignoring it.
What that means, though, is that I now have a *very* uncomfortable living situation. Even if RM1 doesn't know who made the call yet, he will eventually figure it out. So I'm gone from here at the end of the year.
What that means in real words is that I need to figure out what I'm doing next year- and *next month* now.
I still have really no idea. I can probably sell about 1/2 my crap for cash, and that's something. I can build my internet stuff as fast as possible. I can write articles as fast as I know how.
I still need to know where I'll be on January 5. Where I'm going from there. When I'm moving on, and what I'm doing next year.
My options have been:
- Go to Mexico, write, maybe teach english.
- Hike from Georgia to Maine.
Life Math and a Short Delay
And I need to know what I'm doing before I know what the money really looks like.
So I'll be back later today, hopefully, when I have things set up a bit better. Or at least thought through a bit better.
December 1, 2010
How My Slacker Attitude is Helping Me Get Stuff Done
I've pretty much slacked this whole year. I'll admit it. I quit my job back in January, and until about two weeks ago had earned maybe $300. All Year.
So I know what doing nothing at all and feeling bad about it looks and feels like. I know what sort of things make me less likely to do something. I know what makes me *more* likely to do something. I also know the idea of daily production at a set rate gives me brain-hives.
As much as writing short articles for $3 each works for other people, and as much as I wish I could pay all my bills writing easy articles forever, I have to accept that I'm just not interested in writing 5000 words a day on office chairs. It's something I've been looking at for a while now, but I've reached the "Start making things happen now, or be stuck here another year" point.
So what have I done? I've:
- signed up at Commission Junction, so when I get my "real" site built I can put something on it.
- Changed around my other blog, dropping the advertising network I've been using
- worked out an upfront to residual balance that works for me- every article I write for upfront pay, I write one for myself to toss up on hubpages or ezine arts, or my own webpage
- made lists of upfront costs, and what I need to do each of my two surviving plans for next year (bare-bones-style)
- written most of a halfway decent first chapter (longhand), and mentally mapped out where I want those characters to go.
- sketched out three or four new book ideas as they wandered past
- re-set my goals to match what I *really* want and can get now.
November 29, 2010
Slacking And The "Real" Job
It also made me sick, but I guess that happens when you touch money and/or things touched by germy other people all day.
I'm taking today to work for myself, though. In a 10 hour day working for tarjay I'd make $75. If I can make $60 today, I'll consider it win, and quit my outside job.
I think, not working for so long, and having so long when I didn't have to(savings) followed by so long when I just didn't (thanks dad, really), I forgot just how much I hate working for other people. How even though $7.50 an hour would pay the bills, it's less than I can make working for myself. How even writing the worst, spammiest, most unpleasant article is better than working for someone else.
Simply because if it's going bad, or I'm sick of it, or there's something I'd rather be doing, I can drop it and come back (or not) when I want.
Don't want to write articles about stainless steel countertops at textbroker? I don't have to. I can write about something random and put it up on CC or hubpages, or someplace else. I can put it off until late at night, or I can go for a walk in the neighborhood, then come back to it when my brain is working again.
Working for someone else, not so much. Don't want to re-fold infant clothes? Too bad, do it or leave. Don't want to stand for 8 hours, smiling at angry people? Too bad, they've bought your time.
So yeah, I made about $300 at that dayjob. It sucked the work right out of me, though. I bet I can make just as much working at home. I bet I can even enjoy it more. I just needed to be reminded how much it sucks.
November 22, 2010
Work and Work
Yesterday I was supposed to do the first type. I had it all planned out- after 8 or so hours of goofing off and relaxing, I was going to do this work that'll pay off later.
Then I made the mistake of answering the phone.
I guess it's been too long since I worked in a "real" outside the house job. This time last year I knew better than to answer the phone on my "day off". Yesterday, though? Ha.
So I went to the place where I'm working temporarily and stayed there from 4 until 11. That whole time I stood at a register, then tidied the store. While my check will be kinda nicer, it means I didn't get to do any of the things I needed/ planned to yesterday. Things like:
- write articles for up-front pay
- write articles for my own sites
- write articles for places that do revenue share like HubPages
- Do laundry
- get my food made up for this week
- relax
- catch up on NaNoWriMo
- get some work done on my blog that *really really* needs to be done
- buy groceries
November 19, 2010
November 15, 2010
For Now I (conditionally) Have a Job
So, yeah, after about 1.5 hours of interviewing, I got my offer.
$7.50 an hour, if I don't fail my drug test.
Since I don't take drugs, I've almost definitely got a job. That pays $7.50 an hour. Mom says be happy, it's more than you make writing articles. But ugh. *and* I have to pee in a cup.
Otherwise, I don't know how many hours I'll be working, if it's part or full-time, if it's seasonal or permanent, what kind of hours I'll be working, what department I'll be working in, or even where employees park.
Worst case, it's permanent, I work until the day (or week) before I leave the country, and call it good. Best case, I work an insane number of hours for the next 6 weeks, still manage to get my writing and web stuff done, and don't fall behind.
At least I'll be getting out of the house?
Seriously, though? Pee in a cup for $7.50 an hour? I'd expect it for $20 an hour, or something where you might actually risk harming yourself or others, but... How on earth do stoners find work, if even the crappiest of the crap jobs require drug tests.... They can't *all* be cooks and dishwashers, can they???
November 12, 2010
I Have Some Motivation, Kinda
I've found that thing. Well, ok, I've found dozens of those things, and dozens of things to do instead of them. Really, though, I've gone and done something so terrifying that I now *have to* do something.
I made a twitter account for the website I haven't actually built yet. And then I followed people with it. And it points people to the website. The not-yet-up website...
Um, yeah.
So now I *really really* have to get the website going. And you know what? I did a bit of work on it. Not much, but some. I see where I could go with it, what directions I can (maybe) take it. And I now risk people showing up at my empty, not yet search engine-listed website.
Which makes that now the biggest scariest thing in my entire list of stuff I have to get done. I promptly started thinking about story ideas, and will now probably be writing all day. Not what I *need* to be doing- I need to be making money. Closer, though, and better than watching tv or playing games.
Other than writing for NaNoWriMo, all the writing I have to do/ can do is internet content. Most of that pays crap. The content for my website will pay all of nothing until I get traffic and advertising, and who knows what else (i actually do know, really, just not getting into it now). Hopefully, though, I can switch between these terrifying things enough to get a bunch of work done on each of them. Heck, I wrote a bunch of articles earlier this week for $2 each. I can write articles for nothing.
In other news, operation "find a temporary, craptastic seasonal job" seems to have hit a wall. Again. If I weren't the "fall off the ladder" type I'd put an ad in Craigslist offering to help put up lights. But yeah, I'd fall off, break something important, and be worse off than I am now. Meh.
November 10, 2010
November 8, 2010
Making Money is Hard Work!
Then I have to go back a month or so later and add advertising, affiliate links, and random other links.
Holy Crap, that takes time. Even just using Amazon I'm spending closer to an hour each to add these links and whatnot. Hopefully it'll make some money eventually. I might just add adsense to a couple of them to save time.
Still, serious time.
Then there's writing for TextBroker. At a penny a word, it takes pretty serious output to manage even minimum wage each hour. And when the only subjects are really dull, or really nit-picky, or just things I don't know anything about yet, the time per article goes way up. Don't even get me started on people looking for too much in exchange for a $3 article.
I'm still too wimpy and haven't managed to submit an article to Constant Content. Super wimpy, really silly, and a bad business decision, too. Writing articles for a penny a word is just plain stupid when you can write them for 5 or more cents per word. It's crazy.
I found a few other places pick up content work, and while one or two are similarly crappy (pay-wise) to TB, a couple may be a bit better. I'm checking them out now. Just need to finish the application. Still, if it works out (and they accept my app and let me work, and rank me higher than the very lowest) I could write those same 300 word articles and walk away with 5 or 9 dollars each. Same work, more money sounds like win to me.
Don't even get me started on the website I've been half-assedly working on since May. Not enough done yet to open it up, and I've been "starting" it for 6 months.
Finally, at the end of this month I'm * definitely* changing around the advertising on my other "real" blog. I want to use something that allows more flexibility for me, doesn't limit me as much in what I can post or how much, or when. Also thinking about (but who knows if it will materialize) moving things around there to put information stuff (like recipes, or easy substitutions) in easier to find/ central locations. I'm thinking about adding a "donate" button, but I want to feel like I'm providing more value than just entertainment before trying it. Also, I don't want my readers to feel like I'm using them to make money, or pushing things on them.
So, That's what the money thing looks like right now.
November 5, 2010
Jobs and Goals
November 3, 2010
Money Disconnect
November 1, 2010
November! Goals, Needs, Crazynesses
I promised a certain money-lending parent type that if I wasn't making $25 a day by the 5th I'd begin looking for an "outside the house" job. So I need to make the dollars. And, of course, any day the total drops below $25 or the average for the days running up *to* that short day is under $25, I'll need to do the job-for-looking thing. Which I hate with a foul passion.
I also want (need?) to actually *win* NaNo this year. I like the idea of actually *finishing* something that big. Even if it *is* just 1667 words a day.
And (it's on my list/ sticker chart) I want/ eed to start writing the articles for the site that pays better. Even though I'm pretty much convinced they'll suck. Even though I'm scared. It just makes no sense at all to spend 30 or 40 minutes writing a crap 300 word article for $3 when I could spend 1.5 hours writing a *good* 300 word article for $20.
Hmmm. What else, what else...
My car needs an oil change. I suspect it's getting to the desperate point by ow, so that's on the "must have money for" list. My friendly friends at Sallie Mae are getting pretty sternly worded in their requests for money, so I need to get something to them soon. Or soon-ish, at least.
Oh, and I've begun scaling down my list of wants/ needs for this move-out of the country, start traveling the world thing I'm planning. To do it the way I want I'd need about $2000 before I go, plus a steady income of at least $1000 a month. Most of that pre-cost stuff is equipment, snazzy special stuff I don't actually *need*- well, not yet, anyway.
I still need a camera (thanks, washing machine), and a good lightweight backpack. And I *need* a working computer and a shiny new passport. I don't need a *new* computer, though. Or a video camera. Or the golf stuff- I can wait for that part of my dreamy trip. And cutting the possibility of golf out of my first 6 months or so cuts back (a lot) on the monthly expenses, too. $1000 a month in Mexico sounds like a tiny amount, but if I can find a cheap place to rent, don't go overboard with internet or food, $600 give or take a bit could work pretty well for a month.
I'll try to earn more, obviously. If I've got myself into a pretty solid "earn $800+ a month" groove, it won't be as much of a problem. If I'm still puttering along well under that, well... nothing like being stuck in another country for motivation, right?
So this month (November) I'll be writing- articles, outlines, synopsis', fiction. I'll be earning dollars (better be, anyway) or I'll be picking up seasonal work. Might do that anyway... I'm sure *someone* is looking for holiday cashiers... I just really don't want to.
Right, also hope to be sending off my passport renewal, doing some hands-on research for a backpack, and haunting my favorite charity shop for cashmere sweaters- better than fleece and cheaper, too.
Ack! I run away in barely more than 3 months and I haven't got *anything* ready yet!
October 29, 2010
I Has A Schedule!
October 27, 2010
Question/ Wondering
- I'm not confident that I'll make it past ed. review at CC
- I don't have any idea what to write
- I don't know if I could keep coming up with subjects
- I'm scawed!
October 25, 2010
Brain Getting Into NaNo Mode
October 22, 2010
Money and Choices
October 20, 2010
Ack, It's Wednesday, and Decision Time, Too!
October 18, 2010
October 12, 2010
Actually Working!
October 7, 2010
If You Won The Lottery
- Pay off everyone and everything that I owe
- give my parents a chunk of money
- set money aside for my sister to pay out as she works, or to pay for school, but without giving her direct access
- book tickets to NYC and Europe
- renew my passport (if needed)
- see Apocalyptica in concert
- go to Florida or California and ride roller coasters every day for a week
- invest almost everything so I'd not have to worry again
- hike the Appalachian Trail (with or without a borrowed dog)
- blog
- spend a year travelling and donating money all over the world
- keep doing the internet thing
- open a hostel
- backpack around the world for as long as I want
- write books
- live in NY, SF, London, LA
September 28, 2010
Last week's goals and a break.
September 27, 2010
September 24, 2010
Blogging Dollars
September 22, 2010
Dear Santa...
September 20, 2010
Goals for Sept 20-27
- Drink water,
- Go to my appointments, and
- Do research on other blog/ site ideas.
- Get blog posts up on time every day.
- Write 300 words each, every day, for textbroker, Constant Content (spec) articles, my travel website, and a fun fiction project.
- Work on HoboTraveller's 200 word list for Spanish, then expand it with other words I already know. Add 10 "new" words a day.
September 17, 2010
Internet Business is Srs Business
If I sell ads directly instead of using a network for everything, is it a sale? Is it a sales tax-type sale? Do I need a DBA for my blog name? And what about business licenses?I don't know, maybe the local small business groups *could* help. The books sure are, but not with the internet bit, and I've no interest in buying a "everything you wanted to know about blogging and taxes" ebook. I probably need to figure out other businesses that do similar things, and find out how *they* do it. Something like the local free newspaper, or those newsletters you find in coffee shops with ads down the sides.
September 15, 2010
Payment Day, But No Payment
September 13, 2010
Goals for Sept 13-19
- 2 hours writing for TB, even if it's only one article, every day.
- Drink water
- go to my appointments
- 1 article for CC
- get travel site set up, write text for homepage.
- Do research for other site/ blog ideas- keywords, competition, perks, etc.
- Write chapter for New Voices competition
- Write $500 worth of articles for TB
- Spend 1/2 hour a day on learning spanish
- Write "pages" information plus 5 articles for travel site
September 10, 2010
Interesting money stuff
September 8, 2010
Working Too Much?
September 6, 2010
Goals for Sept 6 - Sept 12
- Write 4 hours at TB every day, or until I earn $30, which ever happens first. I think this will take some of the pressure off me to have "ZOMG millions!" by the end of every day.
- Come up with at least 5 article ideas for CC, and write one of them.
- Outline (vaguely) a story idea for HM&B's New voices comp.
- Write rough first chapter (~4k words) for contest by Thursday. No editing/ fixing this week.
- Compare cameras/ camcorders for trip, build list of possibles, collect prices.
- Water!
September 3, 2010
Interesting Problem
September 1, 2010
Crazy Flat-out Working Time, Again
August 30, 2010
Goals for Aug 30th - Sept 5th, 2010
- Finish every article I claim. They are never as bad as I think.
- Write at least 4 articles before each break. Each extra article I'll extend my break by 5 minutes.
- Use a timer while writing and taking breaks.
- Write and submit an article at Constant Content. This is in competition with a friend, and I *will not lose*!
- Earn enough before roll-over to pay the rent, car insurance, and have some gas and food money left over.
- Drink at least 3 bottles of water a day.
End of Month Update- August 2010
August 27, 2010
August 25, 2010
Depression Means Small Paycheck
August 23, 2010
Escape is Expensive
August 20, 2010
Not Much
- around the 1st
- around the 6th
- around the 15th
- around the 21st
- and every Saturday
August 18, 2010
Student Loan Time
August 16, 2010
Building Something from Nothing- part 7
August 13, 2010
Pleh and Double Pleh!
August 11, 2010
What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?
August 9, 2010
Self-Employment, Life, and Taxes
August 6, 2010
Start of Month Update- August 2010
So goals for August are pretty much all money related. I'm gonna take the relaxing, meditating, exercising stuff off for now, because I don't do them, then I feel bad. So I'm dropping them, but I'm sure they'll be back eventually.
So, goals-
- Make enough to pay the bills this month- including (at least) $100 for dad, and the car insurance which is up at the end of the month.
- Write enough articles at textbroker each day to make $50
- Write and submit at least one perfect, clean article a week to Constant Content * (so 3 or 4 this month)
- No matter what, even if all the available article titles at tb suck, write at least one article
- Start working within 2 hours of waking up- every day.
- Write at least one 300 word article for my travel page a day, starting Saturday.
- Get said website actually up and running with at least 10 pages by the end of the month, with 5 up by the 15th.
And some longer range stuff that I need to work on-
- Passport photos, and renewal
- Price digital cameras to replace the one I killed
- Price netbooks for when I take off again
- Start putting together packing list/ to do list for trip
- Save for that trip
- Get other student loans on either forbarence or income based repayment.
- work on timelines for trip-type departure. Looking at December or January.
- Do more research RE: budgets where I'm looking to start out. Connect with people in those areas, find out realistic prices.
- Work on Spanish.
I think that's enough to keep me busy. Some of this is a bit fantasy at the moment. I'm trying to figure out how much I can pull off. I should be able to travel for about what I live on now, albeit in a rather super-budget-kinda way. I'll have to actually *work* on it now, though. Hopefully the idea of getting back out into the world from my small, sad, rat shack life will be enough to get/ keep me motivated.
* The Constant Content link is an affiliate link. If you click on it and sign up to be a writer there, and actually sell something, I get 5% of the sale price. It comes out of the portion CC takes, and their commision is the same if you use the affiliate link or not. I haven't actually got anything up (as of Aug 6, 2010), so I can't tell you with any real authority that it works, but there are some pretty happy writers there. It's web content, nothing first person (no "I"), no fiction, no poetry. But it pays much better than textbroker, and you can pick what you write.
August 2, 2010
August 2010 Goal post is Postponed
July 30, 2010
End of Month Update- July 2010
Writing to Pay Bills
July 28, 2010
Learning about PayPal
July 26, 2010
10 Things That Can Kill a Tight Budget
- Returning things late. That $1 Redbox DVD was affordable for one night, but if you don't return it after the first night the cost creeps up. Library books have the same problem. Mark when they're due in a calendar, keep them in a central location, and make the library a regular stop when you're doing errands.
- Not saving for regular maintenance. Cars, bicycles, and people all need regular work. Saving a portion each month means the money is there when the bill is, and you are less likely to put it off. Skipping regular checkups can lead to bigger, more expensive problems.
- Buying prepared food and drinks. Unless your fast food lunch is a single sandwich off the dollar menu packing a lunch will be cheaper. Cooking at home will save money, but also time- no rushing to the car, through the drive-thru, and back to work. Coffee or soft drinks brought from home are less expensive, too.
- Not "batching" trips. If the bank, library, grocery store, and dry cleaners are all in the same general direction make them one trip. Plan the shortest route that finishes all your errands and you'll save gas, but also driving time.
- Not considering transportation cost. If there's a great sale on something you need, but the store is 15 or more miles away you may be spending more on gas than you're saving. This is also true for public transit. If there's a closer store, try shopping there. Save the "sale" store for when other errands take you in that direction, or for major stock-up trips.
- Rent-to-own anything. The final cost of what you're renting will end up being several times what you would have paid if you just saved up and bought it. Use an air mattress until you can afford a real one, ask family and friends for hand-me-downs, or haunt thrift stores until your budget loosens up or you save enough to buy what you really want.
- Replacing non-essentials when they break or wear out. If you have three pair of jeans and one wears through in the seat, just let it go. Likewise if your computer or other electronic toy breaks. Public libraries often have computers for use, and most other electronics aren't as necessary as we think they are.
- Shopping hungry and without a list. Going into a grocery store unorganized and hungry is almost guaranteed to drive your bill up. Plan your meals, check your pantry, eat a snack, and make a list. A few more minutes before you start can save a bunch at the till.
- Entertainment. You don't have to lock yourself in the house, but you do need to put limits on entertainment. If you like to hang out with friends at bars, give yourself a strict 1 drink limit, and make it the special. Don't rent movies every night, try borrowing them from the library. The library is also good for readers. If you're active and like the outdoors, try hiking or running on a nearby trail or greenway.
- "Just looking" in stores. If you spend time in stores, and bring any kind of money, you'll usually spend something. Find something else to do with your time. Try a new hobby with low expenses or that uses things you already have-- drawing, digital photography, baking, running. Shopping, even just window shopping, should be limited. It's harder to be tempted when you don't know what's out there.
July 23, 2010
Building Something from Nothing- part 6
But the site still needs to get built, the setup finalized (I'm going back to WP), content written, uploaded, and pimped throughout the interwebs. Like I said, a lot of work.
And then there's the book blog, which I haven't even started.
And somewhere in there I need to decide if (when I do take off on my next trip) I'm going to switch my blogging energy to that, or just enjoy it. I'll probably blog it- there's a lot of interesting stuff to write about when you're wandering around the world.
First, though, I need to get that first site up, running, and bringing in some money. I don't want to be writing cheap spam for strangers forever, ya know.
Income has been slowly inching up. I'm trying to decide if I want to have full out social media fun with my travel site. I can see how it would be good for traffic and buzz, but I don't know if it's worth the work. And if I'm not in the country, let alone the city, do I tweet and update facebook, and whatnot, or do I pay someone else to do it for me? Obviously, the more places people can find you, the more people will find you. Which is good, of course. But how does one person manage a bunch of different accounts like that without it taking over the whole day? I guess the answer is probably to make enough on the sites that I can hire someone else to be responsible for it, but at the rate I'm going the world will belong to the robots before I get to that point. Hmm...
July 21, 2010
July 19, 2010
Bits of Fail and Win
- I write spam for dollars
- just found 2 library books I didn't know I had out- and they were due back more than a week ago
- I don't remember checking out the books, which I now owe about $2 on.
- The library's system is down, so I can't even check
- I'm totally broke
- I *still* haven't got anything on that dratted website I'm "building"
- I get *paid* for that spam I write
- I've seen topics and headlines from jobs I didn't take around the intarwebs and in my spam folder
- Rent's paid to the end of the month
- I'm a "good" roommate- rent stuff
- there's plenty of month left, and I'm feeling brave today
- bread- I'm making it
July 16, 2010
That Stuff I Love and How I'll Do More of It
- playing golf- I love golf. Something about the way the competition is set up. You never really play against other people in golf. I mean, sure, you keep score, and someone wins or loses each hole or round. But in golf the one you really play against is yourself. The quality of your swing, your headspace, your personal best... a nice tee shot... just you, the club, and the ball alone in a field of grass.
- Going fast- Maybe it's an ADD thing, but I love to go fast. In the car, on a roller coaster, in airplanes, on boats. Mainly cars, though. I love knowing the only thing standing between me and near certain death is skill and some rubber. I really want a motorcycle because of this speed thing, but I'm pretty sure that'd be a big ball of death. The very idea terrifies my mother. Somehow that just makes it better.
- Falling from the sky- terrifying, but the rush is... wow. Freefall rides, bungee jumps, skydiving. I've only done one of the three so far, but I want to do the other two. The scare, the rush... Just thinking about it calms a wild spot deep inside me.
- Dogs- The trust even strange, abused dogs give... the way they curl around you. It's something that I love. Without quality dog time I feel like half a person. Of course, dogs don't travel well, and my lease says no pets, so for now I can have no dog. Sometimes, though, I'd like to just be able to bury myself in the middle of a pile of dogs. It's like perfect love.
- Travel- It's scary, and amazing, and cool, and I love it.
- Perching- I love being up high. Roofs are one of my favorite places. The top floors of parking garages, lying back on the ledge, one leg over nothing, one foot on the parking deck. Sometimes I wonder if I'm half cat...
- Live music- Just 'cause
- Not owing anyone anything- I don't just mean money. I mean being totally even, no favors out, no lunch to reciprocate.
- Being around people like me- I don't think this one can ever actually happen.. I've never really met these people. Got close once, but I'm still a bit too crazy for them. Never thought that'd happen....
- Telling stories- Always in my head, somehow when I try to write them down they go wonky.
- having a relationship- Obvious, I'm sure. Partly I miss the physical stuff, but I also miss the general fun, talk-to-someone bits too. And cuddling.
- Seeing a shrink- Crazy, right? There's something about having someone you can tell just about anything that's really relaxing. Makes me happy, even if it doesn't fix anything else. Really, it's someone you can tell all the crap that bothers you, and they have to listen- for 50 minutes a week.
- Sailing- The harmony of sails and wind. Peaceful, terrifying, and it requires skill. There's a definite theme developing here.