August 25, 2010

Depression Means Small Paycheck

So, the more depressed I get (and I'm sure this is common) the less I actually do. Either because I have no motivation, or I'm sure anything I do will suck.

I'm pretty sure I've dropped into a rather low low, since I haven't managed to write anything but blog posts for close to a week now. And the blog posts themselves were a near thing. With a normal job, that wouldn't be so bad. the little bit of work would be masked by the huge amount of goofing off most people manage as part of their daily work schedule.

Unfortunately, my income is totally based on how many words I crank out each day. No words means no dollars, and 500 words (more than I've done in *days*) means 2 gallons of gas. I could, in a normal month, maybe swing a couple days without real production, but this month? Not so much.

I try to keep from thinking about the bills while I write- it just stops me, makes me nervous, and slows me down. But it's still important. This month I have to pay car insurance again. I have to start paying one of my student loans. I have to start getting stuff together for my "great escape." And, of course, I have to pay the rent.

None of that is going to happen at a rate of $5 a week.

So today I need to center my brain, find a "happy" place, and get some damned work done.

Stupid brain. I'm tempted to hand it over to the first hungry zombie that wanders by.


  1. Nobody ever WANTS to do what they HAVE to do. Instead of having the mind set of working all day, set up a schedule when you will write. Decide how long you can focus for and set blocks of time through out the day. That way you can goof off and still be productive. I also think that you should get yourself on a regular sleep schedule. Awake during the day when you will get some Vit. D and asleep at night. Wake up, have some caffeine, and get going. Take a walk then write. Just my 2 cents, from someone you don't even know.

  2. Hmm, I'm not so much the vitamin D type. More the glow-in-the-dark, big-burning-light-gives-hives type.

    I'm going to try something a little later today, actually, that's kinda like the focus thing you mentioned. Rather than decide beforehand, I'm going to set an alarm/ countdown clock, and race against it to get an article done. Kinda like math races in elementary school. And then it'll be done.

    Write or Die doesn't work, after all, if I don't at least start. I really get why so many writers drink, tho.

  3. Drinking is fun, too bad it leaves you feeling like crap the next day.

    Anyway, you are a young person with options. I think you will make it work.
