October 30, 2006

countdown to the end

My first exam starts tomorrow at, oh, about this time.

By 5.30pm a week from today, I will be done for the semester. By 7pm I should be on my way to Wellington, and from there (wed morning) back to the states for 2 weeks of food and cheap fun.

I started studying for tomorrows exam today, still have a pile to go over for the one the day after, and haven't even started on the one next week. I haven't started packing, or arrainged a place to store my stuff. I don't have my hostel bed booked in wellington. I have a pile of crap the size of an airplane hangar to do, and just haven't started most of it yet.

I would like to thank the p-sychology lecturer, tho, for putting up an exact description of what we need to know for each part of the test- with all options. Really going to save me studying time.

For the people reading this (I don't know who you are, just that you do) is there anything you'd actually like to see, or is the screaching twisting metal death of my normal train-wreck like life/ school stuff good enough?

oh, right, and another recipe to taunt you with-

mini quesadillas
  • meat (or tofu, beans, fake meat, veggies) about 1/4- 1/2 cup
  • cheese- whatever ya got, shredded, another 1/4-1/2 cup.
  • chopped onion- as much as you want
  • chopped jalapenos- if you want
  • wonton wrappers (you can get them pretty cheap and frozen at most of the import food shops here- I get mine at davis trading co.)
  • water
  • cooking oil
  • frying pan

put the oil in the frying pan (don't really need it, but the wonton wrappers be sticky) and heat it untill it's good enough to cook with. Not too hot tho- k?
all the wonton wrappers should be wet on one side as you put this together. You should be able to fit 2 or 3 mini quesadillas in the frying pan at a time.
lay out a couple wrappers, wet side up. Put some of the meat, cheese, onion, and whatever else you want in your 'dilla in the middle- not too much, you want the edges to seal. Cover each one with another wrapper, wet side down, and press to seal the edges. Toss them into the frying pan and cook 'em like you would for normal-type quesadillas. Keep going untill you run out of fillings or get sick of cooking.

eat them whole if by yourself, with or without sourcream and fresh guac, or cut them into boats (diagonals, ya know?) for appetizers.

Whatever you do- don't try baking them on parchment paper- that way lies hell. Trust me...


October 29, 2006

A mini celebration! and a recipe

No, the pants aren't here.

But my ethernet port broke itself, and uninstall/ re-install actually worked to fix it. And I was so excited when it connected that my mammals notes fell off the bed and spilled all over the floor.

So, to save me from having to pick it up just now, I'm going to share a recipe i like.

Honey mustard dressing-
scale it up or down depending on how much you want- part= heaping T is just about right for one big salad.
Pricing reflects what I pay here, for imported stuff, in NZ dollars.

1 part each
  • Hellman's or Best foods Mayo
  • Whole grain, brown or dijon mustard
  • Honey
3 parts light flavored oil- I used olive, but anything works.
sprinkle of salt.

Toss it all in a blender or food processor, or in a cup and use one of those wand blender thingies. mix it up untill it's all nice and together. test the flavor and add more honey or mustard, depending on what you like. Eat. And for bob's sake, don't use that stuff that looks like schoolbus yellow paste!

  • mayo- .17
  • mustard- .17 to .30
  • honey- .10 to .50
  • oil- .6 to .24
Price range is based on brand/ type. Soy oil is cheap, olive not so much.

But unless you like miracle whip, don't try it with NZ mayo, which tastes closer to that than regular mayo- too much sugar, I think....

So it's not that cheap for salad, but if you want to use it to dip your veggies in, or coat chicken, or something, it works out pretty good. And it tastes better than the crap they sell in the stores here. actually, if you only put one or two tablespoons on a burger, or whatever, it's pretty cheap. I just use too much dresing.

Got my practical back

Not quite sure what they were looking for on some of the questions, now that I look back over it. Deff. more than I gave them.

I don't know. Somehow, I prefer to come out of a test certain that I screwed up, then be pleasantly surprized when I pass, than think I rocked it, only to find out that I missed one or two more points that I think I should have. Thinking you've failed miserably gives you that happy feeling when you pass- even if it's only with a 50.0001%.

when I think I've done well, I mentally assign a number, based on my (apparantly) backwards american system of assigning grades, in which an A is 90-100, B 80-90, C 70-80 and so on down to fail at <60. So even tho an 85 might be an A here, it still feels like a middle of the road B. And a 76.whatever feels like a C. Which is close enough to failing in my mind that it kinda brings me down. Ya know?

Meanwhile, unless the rest of the class kicked some serious butt on the test, here it's a B+. Now if that's not grade inflation, I don't know what is....

In general, looking at my numbers, and knowing what I can and have done on tests, I'm looking at something between 1c, 1B+ and 2A-'s or else 1pathetic fail 2 b's and a b-. I'm really really hoping not that second one. I don't need any more pathetic fails.

Ah well, another week and a bit of studying for this, then it's off to NY, with built in summer school studying time on the plane both ways. With some actual work (new concept for me, ok- it's taking a while to really sink in....) I should be able to pull off at least an A in that damned summer school class. Heck, a chunk of the grade is homework. About half of which I could probably do now. And the mid-term only counts if it raises your final grade. And I *am* retaking the labs, I think- no reason to miss out on half a dozen or so points just because I'm lazy. Maybe they'll let us make caffeine this time....

Ok, back to studying and waiting for my new jeans. And cleaning. And playing neopets games. And re-doing my grade calculations. And my budget for NY. And my budget for the summer. And looking at furniture. And .... yeah.


October 27, 2006

Woo hoo! a flat!

For those of you reading this in North America, it's gonna sound a little strange, and really nice.

I got my flat. Me and 4 other girls, it should be... interesting. Man friend promises to visit regularly to offset some of the estrogen (or oestrogen for you freaky wierd spellerers out there). Starting to sort out the furniture. We now have one (1) sofa for five (5) girls. I think we'll be adding to that over the summer/ year.

But for the part that will amaze people at home. Renting in NZ is weighted for the renter, rather than the landlord. My rent (since I know you're all enthralled) will be about $60 a week. oh, yeah, they charge by the week. My deposit- called bond here- is $120, and is registered with some govt. agency. Over summer, probably because this is a student town, and a student flat, rather than normal rent, I pay what is called a retainer, of 8 weeks half rent. Or $240. For the whole summer.

So, in order to move in and cover my rent untill the **middle of February** all I need is $360. Not first last and deposit. Not credit check. Not background check. No private investigation and 3 referances. Just $360. And I get a third of that back when I move out- assuming we don't burn the place down. And it's even in a safe neighborhood, on a quiet street, halfway-ish between school and town. Right on the main bus line. It has bike and car parking. It has a gas station around the corner, and three golf courses within a couple miles. And a park just down the road.

Except the m/f mix, it's freaking shangri-la. And I'll have it mostly to myself this summer, since most of the rest of them will be off doing other stuff. Just like everyone else in this town.

Watch this space next year for cat-fights and crazy girl drama! I hope not. I'd almost rather live with 4 guys and guy smell than 4 girls and girl drama. Ah well, at least it's got 2 bathrooms.


October 26, 2006

procrastination and a sleepless night.

It's 20 to 5. I'm still up. I was exhusted at 9, crawled into bed, and then could not sleep. Put on movies, still no sleep. Stared at the wall for 3 or 4 hours, still no sleep.

I'm blaming stress. I only have 4 or 5 days 'till my first exam, and every time I start to get drifty I think about that, my pulse shoots up, and I start doing the totally unatractive gasping thing. Very not good for long sleeping.

So since I can't sleep, am I doing the endless list of stuff I need to work my way thru that begins with studying and ends with packing? nope. Not even close. I spent 20 minutes on the phone with mom- who's man-friend is getting his tonsils out- then wandered the 'net for 20 minutes, before realising that what I really wanted was to watch the Kenya clip. Because I like it. And it's cute. And it reminds me I've got to get back over there.

Warning- that link contains an addictive song. With cute dancing animals. And Norway. which I am dancing along to as I type this. It might be time to cut the caffeine/ sugar out of my diet. Like I didn't know that already.

Yeah, so no sleep for me. And not enough concentration to study. And way too wired already to even think about popping some ginko. Give myself a freaking heart attack.

If I were a running kinda girl, I'd be out doing that. It's taking all of my vast lazyness to keep from doing crunches and stretching and whatnot. I need to bounce. I get the feeling, tho, that the person who lives below me might not appreciate that very much. Not at 10 to 5 in the morning, anyway.


October 25, 2006

Now! with more procrastinating!

SO I went to the store and bought junk food. Because I insist I'm going to be back in shape before I leave for NY- in about 2 weeks (no, of course I haven't started packing). Then I came back and checked the mail again. Still no jeans.

Did I mention that for the first time *ever* I've actually put on the freshman 15? or 10? or whatever the hell it is these days?

So yeah no jeans. So I watched part of a movie and munched some chips, and played some more space traders, which is an outstanding game for palm os, and a great way to turn a tool into a super toy.... Then I wandered over to clear up some more questions on the stupid project from hell, then back here for more procrastinating. With games this time, on the computer. I know where all the states go- sort of....

But between that bit of goofing off and this bit, I did my favorite-ist type of putting stuff off ever- I went to craigs list, and went to a big city, and read the m4w casual encounters page!

How totally desperate do guys have to be to post the same ad 10 times in one day? don't they get the hint, or are they just that needy.... And why the nekkid man-parts? I really don't want to see all the hairy man bits of strange men... And damn, Why, when the bits look like a failed alien experiment, do they still post them? I mean, sure it's amusing for me- in a kinda ewww sorta way- but isn't that bad for the guy? isn't it more likely to get no response?

Altho the nice cleancut guy looking for an LTR in the casual encounters forum was very amusing. His photos were even fully clothed. Scary.

So.. back to putting stuff off. I think I'll start working out a menu that uses up all the food in my part of the fridge. And maybe I'll vaccuum my room. Or not. So.. now I just have to figure out what to do with a whole frozen fake duck, some broccoli, wonton wrappers, cheese and a big thing of mayo. Oh, yeah, and the yoghurt and beets, and....


October 24, 2006

Things I've learned this week-

In no particular order- and yes, I know, there's nothing about bio, stats, or p-sychology in there- that's because I haven't actually started studying yet. Or packing. Or looking for furnature. Oops.

  • I need a break
  • I don't have time to take it now
  • Procrastination, like crime, doesn't pay.
  • I *don't* need to watch that movie/ read that book *now*
  • When you're too cheap to buy your textbooks, you gotta get to the library to check them out *while they're still there*
  • Beer is good
  • Drinking soda and munching junkfood will not help me get in shape for NY. It will help me get in *a* shape, but not one I want
  • Bicycles are evil, and are patiently plotting your downfall every second of their pathetic, non-motored lives
  • Bicycle seat at the right height makes it a lot easier to ride
  • Mens bicycle seat, however, be harmful to the girly bits
  • You gotta believe- in the outstanding ability of the mets to screw up when things were going so very well
  • 3-5 weeks may actually mean 3-5 months- splurge on the flat rate envelope!

So, no, my new jeans are still not here, and I've developed wicked lust for the sweaters and the car coat at gap.com, and my bikini hasn't shipped yet, and might not before I leave the states. But other than that, everything's good.

Oh yeah, another thing I learned? You don't want the brand new, just out of training call center rep who not only doesn't know what she's doing, but also can't actually speak english yet. Tho she was *very* helpful, efficient would have been nicer. And she forgot to give me her "american" name.

All in all an amusing call. Deff. better than trying to talk to the automated dude at united. I hate that guy. A lot. (learned this more than a year ago, so not this week)


freaking project

Actually, freaking MS Word.

Did the update my computer was screaming at me for. It now runs slower, and word won't open. Wait, no, I lie. It will open. But then I can't do anything with it. It opens frozen, thinking, and stays that way. This pisses me off. It's only office 90something or other. It should still work fine! it's not that different from the most recent one, except that it's paid for, and was free to me.

So anyway, I had to redo the whole damned thing that I was sending off to the group today. Yes, I even had it (mostly) done. The whole thing. Which took me several hours more than it should have, and I get the feeling I'll be hearing back from them on the ref's, since some of them are sketchy at best.

Totally off subject- I really really really wanna watch walk on the moon, but I don't have it with me, and even if I did, I'd have to switch regions on my dvd drive. Gotta pick up an external one while I'm home, I guess....


October 22, 2006

Let the studying begin!

It's study break. I might have mentioned this already. I, unfortunatly, am really really good at the break thing, not so much the study part, so....

In order to not feel bad about spending a huge chunk of money, and two weeks of total happiness back home, I need to do well on my exams. And not spend more than another 5$ on food before I go. Since it's only about two and a half weeks untill I go, and I, as usual, have enough food for 4 hungry men/ boys for months, the food thing shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Sudying, tho...

To give you an idea- it's been study break for... oh, 6? 7? days now, and I still haven't actually done any *studying*. I checked my grades. I goofed off online. I found a place to live. Now,tho, I need to study.

What do I mean by study?

Well, first, I need to finish up the stuff for the Group Project from Hell. So hunt down my referances and finish up some critical summaries and annotated biblo-BS.

Before or after that's done, I need to read 1/2 a psychology book, and flip thru the powerpoints for the lectures that go along with it. Then I need to look at the suggested areas the test covers and see if I can tell myself all about them from 8 different angles. Or at least have some idea what the discussed idea/ item/ whatever actually *is*. I give this 10 hours max before I'm ripping my hair out.

And I need to go thru a stack about an inch and a half thick of (6 to a side, double sided) powerpoints and associated readings from, oh, every bio anatomy and physiology book ever published for mammals, make sure I can answer the questions/ know the ideas behind the main points, and go over the random other stuff that always seems to show up in these classes. This is easy 20 or 40 hours of actually being interested. Maybe even more!

And then, or perhaps, and first- I need to teach myself all the stats stuff I was too lazy/ bored/ annoyed to learn during the semester. which is, oh, most of a book, a stack of powerpoints mostly straight from the book, and this online book thing that's gotta have another couple hundred or thousand pages of crap, all of which I have to learn well enough to pass the damned exam, and pass it well. Without spending any time on this at all I already want to gouge my eyes out. So I'll pace myself on this one. Figure I can cover a week of class in 3 hours, right? so I'll do one hour three times a day untill my head falls off. every day. ick.

So, knowing this, what am I doing tonight? Well... common sense would tell me to go thru at least some of the stats stuff, since it's online, and I don't need the library for it. Or go over some powerpoint slides for one of the other classes.

What am I actually doing? Probably taking a shower, washing my hair, cleaning off my desk, and watching a movie or three... maybe casablanca. Or pitch black. Something nice and brainless. I can study tomorrow. Since it's a holiday and everything is closed. Maybe I'll skip the desk cleaning. I can use that to procrastinate tomorrow. Can't do it all at once, ya know- I'd have to actually do the important stuff!


October 20, 2006

I got a place to live!

And it's huge!
and it's not a rat shack!
and it's not in a total student neighborhood! no nasty student gheto for me!

The kitchen is midgetly, and in a sort of shed out front, but it's really not bad. The living room is huge, there's plenty of parking, and it's about halfway between town and school just off a main road. When I'm lazy I can still take the bus, but I can easily bike it, as well. Both ways!

I was, like, totally sure they were just never gonna get back to me when they told me they had some other people looking too, and would text later today...

what? me? lacking confidance in my sparkling people skills? dude, If I thought I could stand the boredom of people doctor school, I'd make a kick ass pathologist. Or maybe radiographer.

So anyway, I have a flaaa-aaat, I have a flaaa-aaaat! Now I just need to swap money back, get a job, and start looking at furnature.

Which reminds me- things boys are good for- moving furnature, moving just about anything heavy, having vehicles to move heavy stuff in, opening jars, removing icky nasty bugs.

Hopefully I won't need that last one. Really hopefully. Icky nasty bugs.

And it's pet-ok. Even tho I'm not getting a pet. Nope nope nope. I am not getting a pet. (I give it two weeks, anyone else wanna guess?)

But the kitchen is tiny. Really tiny. That's ok, at least it won't heat the rest of the place if I go on a mad baking spree in the middle of the summer. Tho now that I think about it, the heating abilities of an inside kitchen might be pretty nice here, summer or winter.

Now, however,m it's time to check the mail and get my soda for today. I'll quit next week.

Oh, yeah, and don't buy avocados from Countdown. somehow they are green on the outside and brown on the inside, all at the same time. amazing.


October 19, 2006

I hate flat hunting

So I went and looked at another place today. Sounded really promising. Untill I got there, and they were less than thrilled, *and* had, in fact, already told someone else that *they* could have the room- oops.

Why the hell do they even put the ads up/ tell you to come over and look at the place if they've already found someone?

Or, rather, if they don't think you're what they're looking for, why the hell can't they just say "um, I don't think you're what we're looking for". Is it really that tough? Sure, I'm a little scatty sometimes (stop sniggering), but it's not like I'm going to flip out if someone tells me they don't think I'd fit in, or I don't have the right dangly bits, or... whatever.

or even just tell me when I call that you've already got someone! that way I don't have to travel all over this freaking crappy town looking at places that aren't even available!

With that said- anyone got a spare room? I don't want a rat shack, but it doesn't have to be a palace. just under 80/ week, not full of 18yo's and not surrounded by partiers. Oh, no crack dens, either, please.

I know people in this dratted town are reading this thing- I see you on my visitor log. so if you know anyone with a room (within the above limits, that is) they need to fill, email me at lazyjaynster@gmail.com


I hate flat hunting.


October 18, 2006

a mysterious package!

So I woke up from my nap- soda free day #1 has been cancelled, btw, I don't have time to sleep 18 hours a day untill I get over it- and checked the mail, cause, see, I'm waiting for a package.

Two pairs of jeans to be precise. That i ordered waaay back in august, when I realized that what I brought just wasn't gonna make it. That I had shipped to my mother. Who was then supposed to speedily ship them to me in one or two large flat rate envelopes.

Short side note- the USPS has these things called flat rate envelopes. They come in small and large. You can cram them full of whatever fits, and so long as it's less than 4 pounds, and the thing closes, your stuff airmails its way around the world. In 3-10 working days. large ones cost 9.50 each, small about 5.50.

So my mother, I suppose, decides that the jeans, which I've told her I really really need, and I've described the flat rate package thing, and told her to use my money card. So anyway, yeah, she ships them sea mail. 3-5 weeks, if they don't fall off the boat, or get lost, or what ever. And it probably cost her about 15$.

So anyway, It's been about three and a half weeks since she sent them (and she's the speediest sender I have in my family- Hi mom!) . Theoretically they could show up any day now. So I'm super checking the mail. Like 4 times a day. Because one pair of jeans with holes everywhere, one pair cut off at the knees, and one pair developing a hole just to the inside of the front pocket are really not ok.

So today, there was a package slip! I was sooooo excited! I was sure it was my new pants. (yes, I do live in a fantasy world, why?). So I went to fetch my package, which I was sure, certain, 100% knew, had to be my jeans. And get soda. Damned soda.

And it wasn't. It was my extramural book for summer school. All o-chem all the time. assignments and everything.

So I guess i have something to do on the plane now, when I go visit home after finals, since I sure as hell can't play with my computer without a screen.

Yep, I can read my chem stuff, and make lame-o flash cards. and get really really drunk on cheap free wine.

maybe tomorrow they'll get here, and I can figure out why I bought brown cords when I only own black shirts...


October 17, 2006

Things to take with you when moving to NZ

Or anywhere far far away, actually.

What? me? project due today? However could you tell?

If I got to pack all over again, what would I bring?

Well, starting out with clothes, because they're practical, and far less likely to get you lectured at customs, I would bring-

  • Wifebeaters! comfy, good for sleeping, eating (in, eating *in*), cooking, laundry, riding bike, under lab coat, or those days it's just too much effort to put on real clothes.
  • dickies, levis or wranglers, or any other type of trouser-y thing that's cheap at home, since they're all in the $100+ range here, and the size selection sucks.
  • More jeans than I brought. If you're an odd size too, you might wanna bring more than three pair slightly to very worn jeans. And then *don't* cut one pair off at the knees.
  • Warm clothes. I don't know if I've covered this enough yet, but.. it gets freaking freezing here, and damp, and windy. Bring sweaters. And coats. And tights. And extra long sox.
  • A decent outfit for going out in. i didn't bring one, so had to spend a pile of dollars on something that'd cost about $40 at home.
And now for the fun of - food!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ranch dressing packets. The cheap ones, small, compact, light, useful, you can never have too many
  • Kraft mac and cheese- even just the cheese packets, which I think you can buy from somewhere, but I don't know where- mac and cheese here tastes funny. But not like clowns
  • Doritos.
  • French onion mix. they have regular onion mix here, but not french- how do you make onion dip without french onion mix?.
  • SF sourdough starter. For that yummy flavor you can't get anywhere else.
  • Chipotles in adobo. Not available. I looked. And looked. And checked on line.
  • a couple cans of black beans
Also much lusted after (by me) is a tortilla press. Tortillas only come in flour here, and usually flavored, so no fun for other stuff. And at 5 bucks a bag/ box (for taco shells) it's cheaper and easier, and fun, too, to make your own.

Oh, yeah, and common sense stuff-
  • Books- $6 smutty books are $17-30 here. I went into the bookstore, spent $39 (with 10% student discount) and walked out with two (2) paperbacks.
  • Music
  • flash drive
  • SD or other memory cards (soooooo expensive here)
  • camera!
  • US postage, in big and small chunks- you can mail letters/ post cards from US embasies/ consulates if you have US postage. At domestic rates.
  • A pda, if you use one- the accessories are easier to get at home, and the toy, I mean tool, itself is cheaper- even factoring in the exchange rate.
  • More Money!
  • A bottle or two of that woolite for dark clothes if, like me, your wardrobe is mostly black (now a rather faded icky gray).

Ok, now that you've got a pile of stuff too big to bring, and no socks or underwear, I'm off to play on my project.


What can you get in NZ for $20 at the store, and ~$60 flat shopping

Groceries will look wrong, I know.
I spended a whopping 20 dollars (ok, actually $19.44) and now you lucky bastards get to hear what kidna junk I got. It's to help you budget, honest. Not just because I like showing everyone my junk food filled shopping list (note- no soda this time... I give it a day)

so without further whassname, my groceries

Yummy gourmet potato chips, 5oz 2.08
baked beans, about 12oz 4 @ .67 ea
tortilla chips ~14oz 2.50
refried beans ~16oz 3.05
aspergrass ~9oz 2.43 (I can get it from an office in aghort 3 for $5, but never have cash)
8oz onion .43 (monster onion beast)
zuchinis ~2lbs 4.28 (reduced in little baggies)

(yes, I live on this kinda stuff)

and a pack of black ball point pens 1.99

cause the absentee voter thingy says I gotta use black. So I did. Oh, yeah, I voted- Will you? (but no cute sticker)

And for $60 ish in rent?

i looked at a place today. Big. Really big, huge yard, all kinds of plants, fruit trees, all that crap.

It's not even in a total student neighborhood, so it's quiet.


no heating, damp, icky, needs to be painted, they don't really trim the lawn as often as they should, and they seem to be running a zoo there.

Two fifth year vet students, a masters student (who's leaving) and a science/ business major (graduating) have:
a dog
a cat
some birds
two rats
a chinchilla
and whatever's living in the attic.

It's also kinda rather run down, but at 67 a week, i really don't know that I can complain. So on my list it goes, and I'll check out the other places at about 60 a week. Ones where they don't do the whole "we each cook one night" thing. Because I'll end up cooking for everyone one night, and for me every night. Damn my veggie-ness! but not enough to change.

ugh. want soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


October 15, 2006

last week of lectures!

Only one more organised meeting for the year, then I'm done until final exams in two weeks!

Still need to work on my comm sci project (don't take this unless you really really have to) and my biometrics project (likewise).

In happier news, I have my baby back, but not fixed. and the guy at the fix it shop told me "you can still use it, so I can't give you a letter saying you can't." Which totally ignores the fact that the only place I really need the damned thing is in class. Tho if the school is willing to give me someone to write my notes and everything else that runs thru my mind during lecture, as it runs thru it, without me having to turn it into out loud words, that would work too. but since I don't think they have totally psychic note takers, and that stuff is only for domestic students anyway, I don't think it's gonna happen. ah well, too bad.

Oh yeah, something that might be of interest to those of you out there thinking of coming to NZ for school. At massey, at least, disability services only works with domestic students, so if you're from anywhere not NZ, you're SOL. Or that's what I'm getting from them, anyway.

I can't wait- 2 whole weeks of vaca... er... studying...

Oh, anyone know anyone looking for a flatmate?


October 12, 2006

Super deal thru wellington

anyone who happens to be reading this, trapped at massey- check expedia for flights if you don't have tickets home for "summer" yet- I got welly to NYC via sydney on united for... something like 1000US inluding taxes, which beats what STA could get me by about $500. Don't know if it's still available, tho.


Not dead yet!

Really quick like, 'cause I gotta dash if I'm gonna make the train-

Picking up laptop (still broken) today. In wellington.

Lots of work to do still, like biometrics project. Very mad at self for getting talked into classes I hate because they are "easy". Want to slam head into v. soft wall for about 20 minutes for being such a dumbass. Need to write BS for ethics paper thing. Will do on train, type in and send off to group person-type when I get to wellington.

Need to study. Will do it later.

Is it summer yet?
