January 29, 2007

Something about school, for once!

So, I have about 17 days left to learn all my chemistry. That means I have about 4 days for each section, or three days for each section (plus assignments) and 4 or 5 days for general review and practice tests.

For those of you who have been reading along, that probably means I'll re-read all my trashy novels, watch a bunch of movies and CSI, wander aimlessly in town, and flip out on the last night.

I'm only a *little* delusional, after all. If I were truely studious, I'd be graduated by now. So yeah, the next two weeks for me will be actual work. Scary. Plus I have to figure out WTF is up with my private loan. Which means tracking down the loan lady and seeing if she sent in papers that I don't know about- always a possibility with her.

And for those of you coming over for next semester- either to Massey or one of the AUS. schools, only a couple weeks left to visit everyone left on your list, stuff you face with all the stuff you can't find over here, Pack and pack, and re-pack, deal with money stuff, triple check your tickets (don't forget to join a loyalty program- I'll have enough for a free ticket in another month or three), play around with your passport, stare at your visa, call the credit card companies, and all the 8 gazillion other things you have to do.

Strange to think that this time last year I was a nutcase, running around everywhere, just back from Africa, and out of my head with malaria. Driving myself around the country to visit people I won't see again for a long long while.

Right, then. Time to "work".


January 27, 2007

Doctor Dislike

Odd, I'm sure, but for someone who wants to professionally do the medical thing (tho on animals other than people), I *hate* going to the doctor.

I don't know if it's because they chase me with sharp and pointies, or that they tend to be very condecending, or maybe that I just feel like an idiot going in and explaining what's bothering me.

Example. My shoulder is killing me. Ok, maybe not killing me, I'd give it about a 4. For comparison's sake, getting hit in the head with a hockey puck is about a 3.5, and a headache so bad I lock myself with bigtime painkillers in a pitch black dead silent room and whimper for 10 hours is about a 6. But the normal Rice crispy sounds have moved on to hurting, moving it hurts, and it's just driving me batty. I *should* see a doctor for this- I might actually be able to do something about it other than advil and ice it into (eventual) submission.

But I probably won't.

Part of it, I know, is a carry-over from my childhood, when if whatever was wrong was still *just as wrong* after a week, you could go to the doctor. Not before. Parents not big on the doctor thing, me thinks.

Problem with the "if it's not better in a week, I'll go then" thing is... well, you have to explain to the doctor all about how it feels like people are gouging your (ear/ brain/ knee/ shoulder) with ice picks, sawing thru the muscles, and setting up big-time pain factories in the area that's bugging you, and have been doing it for, oh... 7 or 8 days. Somehow, this seems to discredit your pain rating, even if it was conservative to begin with.

And if you've got something like bronchitis, they really stare at you, and give you the "are you an idiot" lecture.

Or they decide that, because I'm female, I must be making up whatever's bugging me and they tell me there's nothing wrong and send me home. I hate doctors like that.

So I'm sitting here with a shoulder that's been bugging me for a week or so, a hip that keeps locking, and a total lack of allergy meds, because I'm worried the doctor's going to look at me like I'm an idiot. Or send me off for x-rays or something expensive.

Meh, I hate going to the doctor. Maybe if they gave me treats... or did my nails.

Damn, dogs have it good. They even get their butt squozed if they act right.


January 26, 2007

Good News/ Bad News

I know- Two posts fast-like, one after the other, I must be sick... (actually, I think I am)

Anyway- this has been a kinda good news/ bad news week.
My mother and her Man Friend have kinda picked a date and a place for to get hitched.
Not Aruba. Too bad.
My sister's boss's boyfriend totalled her (my sister's) car.
Which was my car.
Which I was supposed to be getting back when I got back to the states after school, since by then it would be paid for, hopefully still in good condition, and still getting 35+mpg.
Only had to do seven labs.
In 3.5 days.
All done now, tho.
Got my date and time for my summer school final.
Also got confirmation of my classes for next semester.
Cadbury Cream eggs are in stores here.

Pollen's down a bit this week.
And I'm all out of Claratin, which doesn't work anyway.

I think it's time to go back to sleep. Maybe when I wake up Life will be all good. Like in a fairytale. But not one of the ones with people eating witches or bad monsters or ogres, or anything. More like the lorax before the onceler.

Maybe it's just time for vacation. Or a drug habit. Anyone wanna lend (give) me a bunch of money to develop one of these? Didn't think so.


movie love

I am a reader. It happens. I read waaaay too much, whenever I can find the time. But I also like movies.

Some, I love.

Take Last of the Mohicans, for example. The whole damned thing is beautiful. The scenery, the music, the cast, the story and plot arc, the relationships, the selfless death, I love it. I'm a sucker for romantic stuff, remember?

I just finished watching it. They copy, unfortunately, skips and freezes at most of the good parts, so while I'm running the story in my head to match the movie, I end up off (you know, like when you hear your favorite song on the radio and they cut out half of it- you find yourself singing along with the missing bit, but they're playing the last verse). Drives me nuts. I think the only really good, moving scene that didn't get messed up like that is the one at the end, on the cliff. For the two people in the world that haven't seen the movie I'll leave it at that.

But, much tho I love the story, and the sudden true-ish love found on the frontier (10 miles from teh center of albany) and the way Uncas (for no sane reason I can come up with) falls madly for the younger sister...

Ok, see, I wanted to read the book, right? I mean, the book is *always better, right? But I *can't*. I've tried. Over and over again. I don't know if it's the writing style of the time, or that the written story just doesn't speak to me- but I can't read it. I get about 2 pages into it and give up. I don't usually give up. Heck, I read this terrible book about *star dragons*, for bob's sake, with physics equations every 5 pages or so. But I can't read the book for last of the mohicans.

Ok, major geek failure here- I can't force myself to get through Lord of the Rings, either. I got to about Tom Bombadill, and I want to throw the books across the room. I am a geek failure.

Maybe it's just books "everyone" loves. Or serious old fiction. Or anything written by victorians. Tho honestly I can't stand steinbeck either.

Maybe when I'm old and slow, and my mind is willing to hold a single idea and spin it out for days on end, maybe then I'll be able to read books like these. But I don't think so. I have a friend who could read them now- reads big boring philosophy books for fun, writes endless long books with philosophical wonderings. Was basically born about 125 years too late. I just don't have the patience for it. I wish I did. I'd like to see who else Frodo ran into on the way to the big angry mountain. I want to follow nathaniel's travels, see what Uncas was really like, find out, someday, what actually happens in Tortilla Flats.

Maybe some day I'll take another couple really long car rides. And maybe I'll get the uncut versions of these books on tape. And maybe then, driving way too fast through the smokies on the interstate (40, I think) between tennessee and North Carolina, or that big empty badness that is west Tejas, I'll finally find out what *really* happens.

But for now, I'll stick with the movies. And maybe I'll find surround sound, to watch "mohican's" again. Because, Damn, I love that movie. And not just because Daniel Day-Lewis is hot. He's hot in other stuff too, but I don't love it.


January 23, 2007

For your amusement

I have about ten minutes before I have to leave to take a test/ quiz that "only counts if" it raises my grade. So busy work...

So as I chug starbucks (my stomach hates me right now) and listen to alice's restaurant, I figure rather than studying (which will just put me to sleep- damn that CSI), I will point all of you (all 2 of you) to my favorite january game- the state of the union drinking game!

Now, I missed it when it ran live, that whole lab thing, and I can't play tonight, but it'll be there for a while, and as soon as they get it loaded at c-span, I can play over and over again. But not tonight.

But I figure all of you can play (if you haven't already). It's true bipartisan fun! well, unless you're one of those no-fun having types, in which case, get off the internet- it's the work of teh devil, and will make you burn in hell. And I really don't want people like that hanging out in hell with me. Nope nope nope.

so anyway- state of the union drinking game, with link to c-span's state of the union page.

and remember- don't drink and drive. Unless you're in the senate.



So, I'm spending this week doing labs (and taking some lame test) because I failed at it miserably last time. Ok, not that bad, but still, not good either.

And it's really not as bad as last time. Almost fun. It's amazing what having some vague idea of why you're doing what you're doing does to your enjoyment and speed in lab. Tho I will never be the proud owner of a still. I (always, every time) get either booze over 97C (where they tell me it does not live) , or else watery-booze and boozey water. So no moonshine making for me. Drat.

On a totally different subject- I have finded the most perfect fry combination ever- well, for me, anyway....

Thai hot chili sauce, cajun seasoning, mild curry powder, salt and oil on the fries (chili sauce really doesn't flavor the potato- the rest is for that) dipped in roasted garlic mayo. OMG, I could eat it all day long. Not good for getting back to "pre-NZ" weight, but... well... it taste sooooo goooooooood.

So- roasted garlic mayo-

you need a head (or 2 or 5 or 20) of garlic
enough aluminum foil to wrap each head like.. well, garlic
olive oil (if it's dried out- I found fresh)
cookie sheet
fork or food processor or easy to scoop out blender

Ya takes the garlic, and if it's dried (like most is) you cut off the stem bit, so you can almost see the tops, and drizzle olive oil into them. You can actually skip this totally, but I'm told it's good.
Ya wraps the garlic in the foil (put the bottom of the head in the middle, and fold it up like wrapping a wine (beer?) bottle- you've all tried this, yes?)
Ya tosses the garlic onto the cookie sheet (bottom down) in a 350-ish F oven.
Ya bakes it for... oh, 30 minutes or an hour, or untill it's soft and yummy- whatever.
Ya lets it cool.
ya stores the extra in the fridge- probably double bagged, tho it smells less than unbaked garlic.

Ya takes out the mayo (or whatever ya uses instead of mayo (if ya uses miracle whip, ya be a vile bad person, and may never ever ever tell me about how this tastes)).
Ya puts the mayo in the bowl (or food processor, or blender) with the spoon.
Ya squeezes (squozes?) how ever much garlic ya wants into the mayo (I usually use about 1 clove per tablespoon). Just the smooshy part- not the papery skin.
Ya mooshes (with fork) or blends (with blender) or grinds to death (with food processor) the mayo/ garlic stuff.

Ya eats just about anything dipped in it (not breakfast or desert, me thinks, tho... like cajun seasoning, even this has places it do not go).

Ya can use the extra garlics (extra? me not got extra yet....) in just about anything. Like soup. Or burgers. Or scramble-ed eggs. Or tacos. But not apple pie. I don't think. Or ya mooshes the garlics up with some salt and just eats it like that- on just about anything (again, not pie). And then you scares off hot people, vampires, and everyone that doesn't like garlic. But ya doesn't gets ulcers, and mosquitoes ignores you. Unless you eats bananas. But people that eats bananas is sick an deserve to get eaten by mosquitoes.


January 21, 2007

weather adjustment wierdness

It's "hot" here today- 74, to be precise, with 54% humidity. And the UV index is at about 800, because some crazy decided to build the place under a huge hole in the ozone layer-thingy. Back home, I'd be just comfy- maybe looking for another layer. But here, heck, it's a heatwave. I think it's warmer in Phoenix today- and it's winter there.

I'm wearing sunscreen, and a hoodie (light weight) and jeans (whole-y) and flipflops and a wifebeeter and assorted underwear.

And I'm hot.

Oh, I know- lose the hoodie and swap the jeans for something lighter, but... I don't think I have enough sunscreen for that.

See- when I was a kid, I used to spen all summer with my grandparents, on the beach in florida. And after about a week I'd be toasted a nice shade of brown (went well with the white blonde hair). Then, sometime in highschool, I realised that all those tan people look really really old at about 30. And since I don't want to look old, I stopped doing the sun thing. And I got very very pale.

And now, no matter what I do, how much time I spend in the evil demon sun, or what I do or don't wear, I don't tan. I burn. I freckle, I pale. No tanning. Well, except in spots- if I get sunscreen on everything but one small spot of my face, that spot will tan. If I just get one small spot of SS on my face, I just freckle. Forget it entirely, and I *still* just freckle. Well, after the burn goes away.

So in my totally vain attempt to continue looking "not old" I am wearing too many clothes- 'cause clothes is easier than slathering smelly stuff all over. Cheaper too.

and sucking down the venti mocha frap's like they're going out of style.

Now if only they weren't so cold they make my stomach hurt....


It's a milestone, damnit!

I've finally done about 1/4 of the reading. I still have all the exersizes to do, for practice, but still- about 1/4 isn't bad- 'specially for me, wh usually doesn't get anywhere near that point. Now just one long, boring assignment, and I'm done with this section.

Ya know, if the people who wrote the textbook would learn to actually explain things, rather than just saying "this is- and so's this" it'd be a heck of a lot easier when they then want you to do something they never actually even *hint* at how to do. (grumble grumble)

And all the stuff I just read isn't in the "for total braindead morons" book I got from the library.

Ya know, this stuff would be a lot more interesting if they'd explain it better- or at all. It's tough staying interested (even in something that would otherwise intrigue me) when I can't understand how they get from point A to point Z, 'cause they skip the steps in between. Yargh. Meh, maybe I can find something at the library that does more than say "this is mass spectrometry, now use it". Or I could just pretend it doesn't exhist. Somehow, me think that one not work so good.

Blech. Ok, some snack food, then back to work. I guess. Heck, I'm almost 1/3rd of the way through what I need to have read/ done/ understood before labs start on tuesday. Yay.

Can I have 800 bazillion dollars (US) for january 23rd-mas? Please? Maybe?

note- semidried tomatos are addictive, expensive, and yummy. I ate them all as soon as I got home so I'm out. Oh well, no yummy pizza for me now.


January 20, 2007

Sappy Movies "R" Us

I am the biggest sucker for sappy old movies. And new ones too. I know, I know- nasty, snarky, whiney, sarcastic posts- but really, they hide the ... something... of a total sappy romantic. I just can't help it. And there's sappy novels too, tho they take a bit more time (usually).

But movies- wow.

And of course, because I'm supposed to be studying my pale rear off, I've been watching sappy movies. Which this weekend includes "the postman", "meet joe black", and one of my all time favorites- "the ghost and mrs. muir". Two of them- maybe all three- based off books, and meet joe black kinda (like movie of the book kinda) a remake of death takes a holiday.

But damn- they're all depressing. I mean, I realise life is all temporary and full of death, but... well, when two out of three heros are dead when the movie starts, there isn't really anywhere for the story to go- right?

Ok, back to the ghost and mrs. muir- I love this movie. I mean- she starts off all, I don't know- weak, I guess, the first place you see her looks like the first time she's ever asserted herself. But she goes on from there, and finds her dream house, and meets a man and falls in love- but it can't work- of course it can't. He's dead, after all, haunting her perfect house. Tho, ya know, If he weren't about 80 years older than me (and dead) I'd be all about rex harrison too. My oh My. But I mean, the way the totally in love, totally isolated ghost gives her up so she can have a chance at love with a living man- makes me cry every single time. The whole damned movie does. No idea why I watch it. Maybe I just like the story too much. I mean, it's a classic doomed relationship. He's dead, for bob's sake. And he gives her up! so she can be happy! It's like dream man- so perfect you dream about him, but totally safe because he doesn't actually exist. I'll take 2.

I don't know, tho. I mean... I know there's the whole "if you love something let it go" school of thought, but... and I realise that in the time it's set, and even when it was made men were more... decisive, I guess... but- He just left her. Decided what was best for her, after a fight, because he was jealous, and made her forget- stomped off like a kid. Oh, fine, he thought he was helping her find something, but... Why the hell couldn't he have asked her? I mean, if he'd stuck around, he'd have seen that she spent all that time alone.

I know- I'm far too involved with this movie. It's just so.. doomed. I mean- they don't even meet untill he's dead. And then he goes away, and she has another 30 or 40 years without him. lonely. blech. I'm getting all lame now.

Must be time for a blow stuff up movie. Or something.

so yeah, me like sappy movies. And csi.


January 17, 2007

What I do on my Summer Vacation

So far, I've gone shopping in New York, eaten my way down the east coast of the US, snacked my way through SFO, loafed about the sydney airport international terminal, written many whiney posts and e-mails, frozen, baked, done some grocery shopping, eaten out too much, ignored my homework, done my homework, and read a lot.

Oh, yeah, then I signed up for this movie delivery rental service like netflix only on the other side of the world, with more cost and less selection.

Which brings me to what I've been doing for the last couple weeks-

I have been on the biggest CSI binge ever, but now it must come to an end. I know, I can play the horatio drinking game with the first three disks of CSI Miami, but after that, they've run out, and I need to switch series. Damn them for not having more. Two seasons vegas, 1/2 of the first season of Miami, and none of NY- what'll I do? Without CSI, how do I study? it's just interesting enough (2nd time thru) to keep me awake while I read the (very boring) chemistry book. I suppose I could hunt down the other law and order-y stuff they have, but... but... they don't have much, and I'll run thru it.

Guess I'll have more time to study, huh?


January 15, 2007


The university sent me a cute little "happy birthday" e-mail, with a photo of a birthday cake. Gee, thanks, all of the pretty with none of the taste. And to make it even more personal, they put my student ID number at the top of it, so I'd know it was meant for me. Good to know they've got that all automated. I mean- good to know they care.

One of the flatmates is coming by tomorrow, bringing her mother, for some interview since she's changing majors. That'll be interesting. I don't think I've seen her since we signed the lease. So... beginning of November?

And to make things interesting, a story-

A couple months ago I bought a little whiteboard, because whiteboards are useful, when you've got who knows how many people living in a place, where you may never actually *see* anyone. This morning there was a note about the dishes- Fine, I did mine, and a couple more- I use the same four or five every time, since I'm a mushroom-allergic vegetarian, and the others are mushroom eating omnis. If they'd label the dishes that hadn't had mushrooms on them (I'm not into the puffy hive covered look) I might have done more. Or maybe not- bacon grease is a bitch to get off, and the smell on my hands makes it tough to eat (ooh- shiny new diet idea).

So I go back out to the kitchen and there's a *new* note about how the (cleaning) flatmate didn't know we were only supposed to do our own dishes. And then a short rant.

Dude- I've been in the house all day- if there's a problem, why can't she just wander down the hall, poke her head in my door and say "hey, why didn't you do the rest of the dishes?" Is it that difficult to actually *talk* to a person, instead of leaving a snarky note? Ugh. Guess I gotta go talk to her now. Sometimes, I wish people would be less "fake pleasant" and more "real pissed off". This whole hiding what you feel thing, then avoiding actually confronting people about it, yeah, it pisses me off.

But then- I come from a loud family.

I'm feeling bored (and sleepy) so I thought I'd put up my student transaction thingy from this past year- plus what this next semester is going to cost me. Dratted school- raising rates. And at one point that 52k NZD was about 28k USD. Dratted exchange rate. Doing nasty things to my debt level.

Current Transactions

Due Date Reference Details Debits Credits

21/09/2005 055425 05 myMassey Payment -9000.00
13/02/2006 INSUR INSURANCE CHARGE 222.50
28/02/2006 S37 0612 Building Levy Palmerston North 15.00
28/02/2006 S01 0612 Enrolment Fee Palmerston North 40.00
28/02/2006 S25 0612 Student Services - Palm North 80.00
28/02/2006 S92 0612 Student Assoc MUSA 0.4-0.79 157.00
28/02/2006 TUTCP4 0601 162101 Biology of Cells 2250.00
28/02/2006 TUTCP4 0601 199101 Biology of Anima 2250.00
28/02/2006 TUTCP4 0601 123101 Chem & Living Sy 2250.00
28/02/2006 TUTCP4 0601 124111 Phycs fr Life Sc 2250.00
30/06/2006 S92 0612 Student Assoc MUSA 0.4-0.79 -157.00
30/06/2006 S91 Student Assoc MUSA >= 0.8 170.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 161130 Biometrics 1875.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 175102 Psyc Natural Sci 2250.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 123102 Chem & Mat World 2250.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 123102 Chem & Mat World -2250.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 194101 Ess of Mam Bio 2250.00
31/07/2006 TUTCP4 0602 119155 Comm in Sciences 1875.00
J/USD15000.00 -24019.22
17/08/2006 INSUR INSURANCE CHARGE 192.50
30/11/2006 TUTCP4 0603 123101 Chem & Living Sy 2250.00

Future Transactions

Due Date Reference Details Debits Credits

26/02/2007 TUTCP4 124111 Phycs fr Life Sc 2325.00
26/02/2007 TUTCP4 164151 Intro Spanish I 1937.50
26/02/2007 TUTCP4 194241 Physiol Control 2325.00
26/02/2007 TUTCP4 117255 An Hlth, Bhv, Wl 2325.00
26/02/2007 01 Enrolment Fee Palmerston North 40.00
26/02/2007 92 Student Assoc MUSA 0.4-0.79 157.00
26/02/2007 25 Student Services - Palm North 84.00
26/02/2007 37 Building Levy Palmerston North 15.00


maybe not interesting, but it's amazing what goes on and off that thing in a year....


Crazy time and an offer-

I have 31 days untill my chem exam. I just realised that today. I think I'm gonna be sick. And that has nothing to do with the orgy of contraband food I had for dinner. (Thanks, R., the mac n cheese mix is yummy). It doesn't even have anything to do with my newly re-aquirred diet pepsi habit. I don't think.

More like, I don't think there's any way in all of hell that I can be ready by then. Even if I do actually *open* the books I borrowed from the library, instead of just admiring their lovely covers from across my bed (no furniture, people- bed= bed, chair, table, desk, etc). And next week is my lab thing! I should be studying!

Um... maybe after CSI.

Now- I'm sure a couple of you sneaky lurkers are coming here. And it's kinda obvious (well, to me anyway) that the "photo tour" isn't showing up anytime soon (damn that "work" stuff), so, in its' place, I offer a free walking tour of all the places you probably don't want to know about- like the only place I know of in town where you can get rootbeer. Or the Rugby Museum (free). Or the student bars (not free). Or the grownup bars(also not free). Or the local bike shops. Or whatever. If you're coming for feb, let me know, maybe there'll be a couple of you- I can kidna... er, meetup with you before you get too lost. Maybe there's more than one of you, and you can all meet in one place- not just in e-mail!

Heck, even if you're not showing up untill june or july- drop me an e-mail now (or then) and I'll show you around. Maybe even drag someone else along. Unless, of course, you all just read this for the trainwreck. In which case- Yay! Stalkers! I never had any of them before!

Ok, back to the chem. rassa sassin frassa rass.


January 10, 2007

school stuff. And stuff.

So, I finally sent out an assignment that's been sitting around, done, for weeks. I feel so much worser now. Picked up a couple books for my chem-learnering- the recomended textbook, and this one called... um... organic chemistry demystified. Amazing how much more sense the study guide makes when you've got the text, too.... Yay for the orgasmic chemistry. Also printed out more of the stupid assignment sheets, so I can send the rest of my assignments.

Only about 5 weeks untill my final, you know.

Oh, and I gave in and registered for next semesters classes. I'm going with a mix of interesting, usefull, and gotta. So a welfare/ nutrition class (how much what per cow for this much milk/ meat), the physics class I didn't bother to actually work at last year, first semester spanish (I'm sure they'll adore my accent), and.. um... some physiology course... control systems, or something? I dunno. anything to avoid invert zoology. I admit, I am grossed out by most inverts. Give me snakeys any day.


and now for something completely different.

Sorry about the potato-centric nature of my posting lately. It's just that they're cheap, and ya know, potato, mellon, and something else hit with a mellon baller, then with carrot matchsticks would make a pretty neat home-made molecule building kit.

Anyway. I've been reading all about stereochemistry (but not learning to spell it). So I'm obviously not at all interested in talking about it.

so Instead, I thought I'd give you guys a quick run down of all the things you should never ever ever do with the english language. In approx. order of annoyance, from most to least.

  1. Confuse poisonous with venomous. It's very simple, but so many people get it wrong (including a poster in my bio lab a couple years ago, but excluding the OED). I know of no poisonous snakes. It's just not common. In order to remember, and save me the hassle of both correcting you, and tattooing it on your forehead, if you bite it and you die, it's poisonous, if it bites you and you die, it's venomous. example- you will not meet any venomous mushrooms. But you can have poisonous *or* venomous frogs and toads. Yum. so quick-like- bad snakes = venomous, belladona= poisonous. ok, so the poison thing also counts for things that get on your skin. Same idea, tho.
  2. Forget to use the verb "to be". In france they kill you for it, I think. With stale bread. In the US, you just sound like an idiot. A backwards idiot. When you are talking about something which needs doing, or is in the future, you use it. No, really. Not " the laundry needs done." Needs what done? needs doing, maybe. Needs *to be* done, yes. If someone asks you what you wanna do when you grow up you don't tell them "I want an astronaut." You tell them you want to be one. Important here, people. If you actually want an astronaut, then you say "I want to be an Air Force Wife." See, that "to be" thing again.
  3. say "hey peoples" when talking directly to a group. Or "there were peoples there." Please. Just don't, it's so very wrong.
  4. Insist on using "y'all" then refusing to conjugate properly. Just because you insist on speaking like an ignorant fool doesn't mean you need to be one. Y'all is singular, Y'all's is singlular possesive. All Y'all is plural, All Y'all's is plural possesive. Learn it, use it (actually, please don't).
  5. Talk LOUDER TO PEOPLE WHO TALK "FUNNY" OR DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH. Acents and foreign languages don't cause hearing loss. You don't need to speak louder, you need to speak sssslllloooowwwweeeerrrr. And use actual words. They don't teach up to the minute slang in english for beginners.
And there you go. In approx. the order in which they drive me batty. Now spelling, that's just silly- there were "correct" spellings for very few words before wierdos began collecting them and deciding how things were spelled and where. Thus webster and his american dictionary, and oxford and their brittish spellings. I get the feeling the brittish had more type available, since they went crazy with the extra letters. As long as it's (almost) understandable, I really don't care about spelling or punctuation, Tho I admit that huge oopsies make me wince. But I worship at the alter of the comma splice. yum.

There you go- more than you ever wanted to know about the english language. Lucky you.

ok, back to csi/ sleep.


January 8, 2007

A new and different flatmate problem.

So, at my new flat there are 3 of us (most of the time) for now. We all have a problem. A terrible problem. We all like grocery shopping. Way Too Much.

I bought more food this weekend, tho I said I wouldn't. Mostly junk, but still. I want to buy more.

One of the flatmates put out stuff they bought for breakfast, then went grocery shopping, and forgot it. They're having pancakes now. I don't know how we don't die of food poisoning. We're all terrible at keeping stuff at the right temp. We must have super strong intestinal stuff. Well, except me and the milk thing. Working on that.

Kinda funny- they think I should cook more asian food. I thought the rare chinese junk food I did was enough. Tho I haven't made sushi in a while. Might need to get back to that. Yum.

Other than that, tho, no cat fights, no screaming messes, no problems with who buys what. Kinda laid back and nice. Of course, We're all slobs, but what can you do, right?


January 7, 2007

Potato soup!

Because I said I would.

ya need-

  • 1 lb potatoes- chopped to 1cm sq. pieces
  • 1 med onion- rough chopped
  • water to cover (or chicken broth if so inclined)
  • 1tbsp oil or butter
  • salt
  • pepper
  • seasonings
  • 1 tsp corn starch or flour
  • 1 C (give or take) milk, or *plain* soy milk
  • 1C grated cheese (cheddar or jack, or whatever) - optional
  • other optional ingredients- celery, carrot rounds, other root veggies, garlic- added with the potatoes. Corn, peas, dumplings, added near the end.

put the oil or butter in a 2q pot over med/hi heat untill warm. add onions, cover, stirring occationally untill they get soft and translucent. add the potatoes and cover with water. Cook untill the potatoes start to get soft. mix the corn startch into the milk, then add the milk to the pot slowly, along with other seasonings, stirring occationally, untill it's thickened. usually takes me about 45 minutes, start to finish. Longer if I use bigger chunks of potato.

I like it with (again) cajun seasoning, or sometimes roasted garlic and carrots added.

Alternately, for roast veggie cream soup, you can make white sauce (butter, milk, flour or corn starch) that's kinda thin, and roast the veggies with some oil/salt in the oven, just dumping them into the sauce at the end, mixing them around a bit with the seasonings. Saves some time, 'cause you can do the roasted veggies beforhand in bulk and freeze them, but has a different flavor.


Very important, painful thing I am learning (again) on my summer vacation.

People who don't normally drink milk should not eat/ drink things with milk in them.

Well, ok, things that *used to be* milk, usually ok- cheese, butter, things like that, ok.

Things that are still basically milk- white sauce, milkshakes, ice cream, not ok.

These things should, in fact, be avoided at all costs. When ingested by the lazy but hungry j, they cause temporary happyness followed by hours of "intestinal distress". Which I'm sure everyone wanted to know all about.

Ah, well, at least I won't be running around this afternoon- I'll have time to study my ochem. which is good, because my contact course (when all the labs get done- in one week) is just about 2 weeks away, and I really don't want to look as stupid this time as I did last time. dratted math.


January 2, 2007

And then goats rained from the sky

Three posts in one day, I must be reaaally bored. or something.

So, I was thinking. I'm assuming some of you reading this are not family or friends, but people actually looking at coming to NZ for school. So I guess I should actually put in some useful information, like where to get special food (dude, import shop), and where to buy booze, and.. I don't know, how to get to and from the airport/ bus station/ train station.

So (while I should be doing my sumer school work, what's new there) I figured I could take time out of my busy CSI watching schedule to make a google map, and take some photos, and give a kinda lame tour of town. With some of the stuff you might actually need to find. Tho probably not all of it. And not today.

And the family/ friend types could actually see where I am. Since some of them (Hi mom!) don't have passports. And some of them aren't quite crazy enough to tack a 12+ hour detour onto a business trip (Hi dad!).

Oh, yeah, and the chemistry? most of it's due friday. I really gotta get to work on that...



popcorn is cheap, easy, and cheap. is good.

you need-
  • oil
  • popping corn
  • salt
  • pot with lid
  • seasoning
  • butter or spray oil
You puts the put on the stove, with about 2 T oil in the bottom. more or less...
You gets the oil hot enough that it swirls about nice-like and covers the bottom of the pot.
You dumps in about 1/4C of corn.
you swirls the corn around untill it's nice and ily and in a single layer on the bottom of the pot.
you covers the pot, and swirls it every once in a while once the corn starts popping.
you pulls the corn off the heat when the popping slows down, unless you likes the burned popcorn (blech)
you dumps the popcorn in a biiiig bowl, sprays with oil or pours on butter.
you sprinkles on salt, mixing as you goes, and seasonings, if you wants.
you eats it all and makes some more.

the packet from a box of mac and cheese- or part of it anyway
some ranch dressing mix
nutritional yeast (if you don't know, don't ask)
cajun seasoning! (on everything but choco cake, I swear)
random other spices
powdered tomato! (ick, ew, gross)
some of the stuff from inside a taco seasoning packet
more salt

if you feels like doing real work, you can make fresh caramel, or some other thick sugar syrup, and mix that in. I be too lazy. that be a monster clean up job, anyway.


mmm, food

about 2 blocks from my place there is a corner, with lights and crosswalks and all sorts of cool stuff nearby. If I don't cross at the light, but go right instead, about 100 yards away is a huge bike store. across the big road from the bike store is a supermarket and a "mall".

lots of other usefull stuff across the streets, too, like bars, and liquor stores, and more supermarkets. But most important of all is that, by crossing to the left, I can go 20 yards and hit burger king, crossing twice I can go about 40 yards and hit this really cool place called burger fuel (home of the $20 burger/ fries/ shake meal). or I can just keep going straight, crossing only one road, and run right into a kebab shop.

This is bad. Kebabs taste good, but cost about $9. burgers also good, but again, about $9. BK, nasty, gross, no protien options for the silly veggies like myself, I can get a whole freaking meal, with onion rings *and* fries, and a choco shake, for 9$. teh suxorz.

Of course, I could just go to the grocery store instead, drop $2 and wander home with a bag of chips. Slightly healtier and much cheaper, but for some reason it just doesn't seem to happen. So yes, it is possible to burn out on junk food. And then to do it again with a different type.

So today I, lazyjayn the outstanding (healthy ego) pledge to actually cook. Like, every day. If I wants onion rings, I will damned well make them. If I wants fries, I will make them. If I wants pizza I will put in and order with.. er, I mean, I will makes it. Yeah, really. And when I wants junk food I will sit in my bed looking stupid with my stomach hurting untill I give in and find something to eat.

After all, it's not like I haven't got anything here to eat. I have piles of stuff- including enough popping corn to feed a small army. Do I use it? no. I even have easy snacky stuff, like dried fruit and nuts, which I don't eat. I've even been too lazy to make tea, for bob's sake.

Instead, I'll walk ten minutes to the grocery store, spend money I shouldn't, and walk tn minutes back. In 20 minutes, I could have had mac and cheese, even made from scratch. Or pasta salad. Or sammiches. Or pizza, if I was too lazy to let it rise. Or falafel from a box, or, or, or. It's not like I haven't got stuff here to cook with. I've filled an entire shelf with food. Like, jammed in there, piled on top of itself, overflowing to another shelf, filled.

I think i just like grocery shopping.


January 1, 2007

mmm, potatoes.

potato recipe tumber nwo-

you'll need-
  • plate
  • microwave
  • potato
  • fork
  • knife
  • butter and or
  • oil and or
  • cheese and or
  • onions and
  • salt
Take your yummy potato, and clean the heck out of it- the ones with dirt on them are cheaper, ya know.
use the fork to pop it all over the place, so it can vent- you know, like when you do real baked potatoes.
Toss the potato in the microwave, and use the "potato" setting if you have one, otherwise put it in for about 1.5 minutes, flip/ spin, and do another 1.5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two in the microwave, so it can finish its strange experiments.
Pull it out, cut it into quarters or eighths, cover with whatever you happen to be using/ have (if cheese, toss it back in for a minute or so to melt the cheese) and eat it with the fork and/or knife.

yummy. Lazy. Cheap, if you stick to butter or oil and salt. Not really healthy tho. But you could always eat it with a 69 cent can of baked beans. Then it's much better. Tho not as cheap.

next, maybe, potato soup.


life on the wrong side of the world

If you're anything like me, the internet is usually the best way for others to get a hold of you. No other way guarantees I'll get a message. I lose my cell phone all they time. I rarely lose my email addy and password. So, of course, reliable, decent internet is a priority of mine.

Unfortunaely, it just doesn't exist here. For $40 a month, give or take, My flatmates and I can get what is best described as a "dead rodent" speed connection with unlimited* transfer, and.. oh, yeah, limits at peak hours, and on dl's, and any time they feel you're "abusing" the network.

If you want something you can actually use, well, get ready to pay. browsing the various services offered- of which only 2 or three offer the mentioned unlimited* connection, with all it's limits, you have a rather broad choice, now that they've somewhat deregulated the dsl system and whatnot. Note that they don't actually run fiberoptics in most towns. One or two have started putting it in, but.. well, imagine if colorado was a country with the gdp of Maine, and you'll get a pretty good idea of about how fast this is going to happen.

So, you can get a relatively ok 3Mb connection, with 2Gb transfer for... um.. anywhere from $50 to $150. Only three or 4 companies offer it. You wanna game, or DL anything (like the current season of just about any show) and you'll need waaay more than that. You can get up to 100Gb transfer, from $170ish up.

Now, compared with the craptastic wireless I have now (when the signal is up, which it usually isn't) that'd be not so bad... I mean, 10gb at dead rodent speed for just me for $35 a month, or 20Gb at about 2Mb, for 1/5 of about 170. Somehow, tho, I don't think that's the plan we're getting.

As long as Skype works, and i can still play my games, I'll be ok. Oh, yeah, did I mention the insanely high ping times for games on the unlimited* plans? 'parently gaming is not "normal use". Go fig.