July 30, 2010

End of Month Update- July 2010

Totally spazzed that I needed this today. End of the month just kinda snuck up on me. It does that, I hear.

So, Goals...

Physical/ mental-
I didn't meditate before turning the computer on. I probably did meditate a couple times, but not quite right. Working out was likewise FAIL. Eating was about a half and half.

I cancelled WoW at the beginning of the month. I really miss it, but it's out for now. I've given up on applications and resumes for now. I'm going with this writing thing. I've just about got enough to pay the rent- I'm borrowing a bit from dad to cover until I get "paid", and by then should be golden.

Personal/ business-y-
The month started off slow with writing, but I've picked up a bit since then. I've had some story ideas, but other than vague outlines and character sketches haven't written anything yet. Article writing was going similarly slow at the beginning of the month, but that's picked up as well, by necessity. It's still tough to get started each day, and I'm terrified after I hit the "submit" button, but I'm definitely submitting stuff. My local site, however still languishes, ignored and whatnot. I know what I want to do now, but don't seem to be able to make myself do it. Dratted motivation. The $1/ day income *might* make it this month- it's close. I've run about $2 behind all month, between all the different stuff. I don't include article sales in this, it's really just ad revinue and affiliate sales.

So that was July.

August goals up Monday.

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