July 23, 2010

Building Something from Nothing- part 6

I haven't really done much lately. Building a site is a lot of work. I'd rather be doing that work for me, obviously, but really I'd rather do no work at all.

But the site still needs to get built, the setup finalized (I'm going back to WP), content written, uploaded, and pimped throughout the interwebs. Like I said, a lot of work.

And then there's the book blog, which I haven't even started.

And somewhere in there I need to decide if (when I do take off on my next trip) I'm going to switch my blogging energy to that, or just enjoy it. I'll probably blog it- there's a lot of interesting stuff to write about when you're wandering around the world.

First, though, I need to get that first site up, running, and bringing in some money. I don't want to be writing cheap spam for strangers forever, ya know.

Income has been slowly inching up. I'm trying to decide if I want to have full out social media fun with my travel site. I can see how it would be good for traffic and buzz, but I don't know if it's worth the work. And if I'm not in the country, let alone the city, do I tweet and update facebook, and whatnot, or do I pay someone else to do it for me? Obviously, the more places people can find you, the more people will find you. Which is good, of course. But how does one person manage a bunch of different accounts like that without it taking over the whole day? I guess the answer is probably to make enough on the sites that I can hire someone else to be responsible for it, but at the rate I'm going the world will belong to the robots before I get to that point. Hmm...

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