November 15, 2010

For Now I (conditionally) Have a Job

A local retail store (not Walmart) is hiring for x-mas, and some other spots, too. I applied, figureing it couldn't pay *that* badly, right?

So, yeah, after about 1.5 hours of interviewing, I got my offer.

$7.50 an hour, if I don't fail my drug test.

Since I don't take drugs, I've almost definitely got a job. That pays $7.50 an hour. Mom says be happy, it's more than you make writing articles. But ugh. *and* I have to pee in a cup.

Otherwise, I don't know how many hours I'll be working, if it's part or full-time, if it's seasonal or permanent, what kind of hours I'll be working, what department I'll be working in, or even where employees park.

Worst case, it's permanent, I work until the day (or week) before I leave the country, and call it good. Best case, I work an insane number of hours for the next 6 weeks, still manage to get my writing and web stuff done, and don't fall behind.

At least I'll be getting out of the house?

Seriously, though? Pee in a cup for $7.50 an hour? I'd expect it for $20 an hour, or something where you might actually risk harming yourself or others, but... How on earth do stoners find work, if even the crappiest of the crap jobs require drug tests.... They can't *all* be cooks and dishwashers, can they???


  1. Hm... Drug testing is a common procedure in most of corporate America, except at, well, the corporate level. Urine-analysis is by far the most common. It isn't nearly as horrible and denigrating as you put it, though. I just hope that they don’t perform ‘random’ drug testing at your new location, or you’re in it for a while. They do drug test cooks (especially ANY sort of cook) and most dishwasher or low-skill possition. There's a reason for this. *doesn't go into it*

    Stoners and drug users don't get many jobs, period. I'm a bit biased against them for the damage they create for themselves, others and for the society. Especially at the medical level.

    But all that said, for someone that just got a job, you sure sound awfully… happy. I guess not everyone is too happy to go from not a lot to a decent level of income… I don’t know how much you were making before, but even at a part-time basis (20 hours), you’d still be making $600/mo, give or take. That’s a good chunk of change. And it is only 20 hours/wk (assuming you go part-time) out of your possible 100 free hours per week (including 8hrs of sleep). I’d be grateful. Just sayin’.

    Either way, congrats on your new almost-job.

  2. cooks in corporate restaurants might get tested, but every cook I know is all over the pot thing. I don't quite get it, but yeah, drugs seem to be a big part of the kitchen world.

    600 dollars is 600 dollars, and that's great. I know why they do the drug testing. I just think it's interesting that I have to have a drug test to wave at people...

    So far as it being a good chunk of change- it'll cover rent (unless the landlady tries to screw me again), food, and gas. Alternately, it's enough to cover the stuff I need to get before I run away again. Which is good. Just need to hope having more to do gets keeps me more focused.

  3. Also, the drugs aren't the problem, that might not have come across- even benadryl wipes me out, not interested in dropping down that rabbit hole.

    I just have a shy bladder and *hate* the whole "person listening intently" part of the deal.

  4. As to why you'd have to get drug tested to wave at people, it might have (a LOT) to do with the position, as well as just with the company and any affiliates. "Drug free" companies that agree to the drug testing programs get tax breaks, amongst other bonuses. And ever seen a drugged greeter? Yeah. I wouldn't shop there either. Any person that has customer contact is normally drug tested... Now, mom'n'pop shops, side lunch places and etc, if they are small enough, they can sort of make their own rule, and won't get much benefit from a "Drug Free" program. So they can choose against it. Or as I said, some places might just do drug testing ONCE. After that, people can do whatever they want and know they wont be drug tested. But in a lot of places, especially those with any sort of turnover, randoms are a standard.

    Shy bladder is an actual conditions and any lab is aware of it. In case you couldn't produce a sample within an hour, they'd probably have to send you later. Though, shy bladder or not, a few cups of water and half hour usually works for most people. I don't think, however, people are too interested in listening. So you will be fine.

  5. Yeah, I was kind of shocked last time I had to do it- I told the tech that if I hadn't thought it would fail me, I'd have had a couple beers and got a ride there from a friend. She told me to go ahead- the test didn't cover alcohol... Not something I intend to use here. I'm going in the morning, after a solid night of tea.

    And yeah, between tax breaks and insurance costs, I totally understand why they do it. I also remember working at walmart and talking to a supervisor about who was on the "ddt" list. About a dozen people would "accidentally" not get tested if they were in an accident or up for promotion. Always interesting, walmart...

  6. You don't really have to fast for a drug screen. Alcohol is rarely, rarely tested, unless otherwise noted. Heh.

    And that sounds rather... stupid of them not to drug test those two specific types of persons (promotions or accident/worker's comp ones). But oh well, each company is different.
