October 22, 2010

Money and Choices

It's a good thing I've got a lot of goals. If I didn't I'd be stuck with no idea what to do in February.

After playing with the numbers some more (or a lot more, actually) I'd have to stay in Haiti more than 6 months before breaking even with going to Mexico.

So that means Haiti is out of the running (unless a huge random pile of money shows up next week...).

Hiking is also not looking so good. Insurance for a trip that takes place in the US would run me a couple thousand dollars, plus food, plus transport, plus housing between the beginning of February and whenever I started hiking. I'd pretty much never get it under $1k a month right now, average.

If I didn't have to get equipment (and I had insurance) it'd be a different story, but as it stands hiking is out for now.

So, Mexico.

Need to get to work so I can afford even that. If I can get my passport renewal in the mail by the end of November I'll save a pile of money. So that's my first goal. Then start adding in equipment. And tickets. And all the other fun stuff.

Then, at the beginning of February, I go. I think.

Which will give me about 3 months there before I need to be making enough to support myself (again) *and* pay my student loans. Which aren't quite as bad as I expected them to be.

It's really easy to figure out what to do when you start with 3 choices and can only afford one.

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