November 29, 2010

Slacking And The "Real" Job

I might have mentioned last week that this outside the house job is killing my energy. I think I mentioned that I was getting none of my own work done.

It also made me sick, but I guess that happens when you touch money and/or things touched by germy other people all day.

I'm taking today to work for myself, though. In a 10 hour day working for tarjay I'd make $75. If I can make $60 today, I'll consider it win, and quit my outside job.

I think, not working for so long, and having so long when I didn't have to(savings) followed by so long when I just didn't (thanks dad, really), I forgot just how much I hate working for other people. How even though $7.50 an hour would pay the bills, it's less than I can make working for myself. How even writing the worst, spammiest, most unpleasant article is better than working for someone else.

Simply because if it's going bad, or I'm sick of it, or there's something I'd rather be doing, I can drop it and come back (or not) when I want.

Don't want to write articles about stainless steel countertops at textbroker? I don't have to. I can write about something random and put it up on CC or hubpages, or someplace else. I can put it off until late at night, or I can go for a walk in the neighborhood, then come back to it when my brain is working again.

Working for someone else, not so much. Don't want to re-fold infant clothes? Too bad, do it or leave. Don't want to stand for 8 hours, smiling at angry people? Too bad, they've bought your time.

So yeah, I made about $300 at that dayjob. It sucked the work right out of me, though. I bet I can make just as much working at home. I bet I can even enjoy it more. I just needed to be reminded how much it sucks.


  1. "Real" jobs are really tough on me too. Even with my "real" which really makes money - I think it just makes it harder. Because knowing whether or not you are doing the right thing is harder when youare taking a "greater than" $50,000 pay cut.

  2. Yeah, I realized this afternoon that I could make more going door to door offering to rake leaves. When it's livable money you'd give up, I'm thinking it's tougher.

    I'm pretty sure that if I were in a position to take a $50k pay cut, I'd stick it out until I paid off everything. Of course, I'd try to do it while living at the level I am now, but still.

    At least the point I have to hit for "success" is nice and low- about $800 a month. The amount to pay all my bills and start paying off my debt? a bit higher. But still, making more than a part time minimum wage job is a place to start....
