October 29, 2010

I Has A Schedule!

[insert cat photo here]

Tuesday night I made a schedule. I also wrote down goals (about 10) for November and numbered them 1-5. Work and money related goals, anyway. And a graph/ chart thingy to color in as I earn money, to try and make it seem a bit more real/ do-able.

Dunno how much it's going to help. Maybe if I manage to fill most of it in *this* month, it'll be easier *next* month? Right now it looks like a big empty grid with two lonely little squares filled in down in one corner.

Meanwhile, I was off the schedule (time-wise) by the end of the day I wrote it. So I've mostly tossed the times. Plan out my day from 5:30AM until 7PM? ick. Doomed to FAIL.

So now it says wake up and blog at 5:30 (kinda fail there, too, but close enough...), then I added a NAP, then after that my "work" day starts.

It's still a *long* list of stuff, and I'm really bad at feeling good about it, or like I got anything done. Which is silly, b/c I've done *at least* 3 things on the list every day.

They just aren't the ones that make me money right now, so they don't feel like I'm getting anything done. Maybe I need to make another chart/ grid- with my daily goals on it in a list, with a box for each every day, and put star stickers on them when I meet each goal (say, green star for "tried", red, blue, silver for 25, 50, 75% of goal, and gold star for anything I actually get *all the way* done) like a kindergarten class or little kid's chore chart.

I even have the stickers already...

Actually, I'm going to do that. I'll tape it up next to my bed above the "goals/ schedule/ income chart" already up there. Er, or rather, where the headboard would be, if I had one...

Hey, it's a good spot, and tough to miss or avoid.


  1. That sounds like it can work. Though be careful not to overplan and end up dooming the whole process to a very quick and sudden death.

  2. Three of my daily goals are eating, personal blogging, and having fun, so I should be able to get *those* done (mostly...).

    For the rest, I think the "yay, I did *something*!" aspect of the stickers should help.

    Maxing them all out is probably 8-10 hours of "work" a day. I took the times off to drop the pressure there, and set my goals pretty low. I get a green star just for writing *something* for TB, another for *any* fun fiction, another for *starting* a better paying article. With 8 things, total, on the whole list, I think I kept it under the "ZOMG, too much!!!" level. Guess I'll find out...

    Kept the write-for-pay levels low- if I manage either goal I can survive, actually *meeting* both? I could pay some of these bills I've been putting off and maybe start paying back my Dad.

    The times, tho? Yeah, that had to go.

    Oooh, make that 9 goals- forgot to add "nap".

    First gold star! yayz!
