January 21, 2007

weather adjustment wierdness

It's "hot" here today- 74, to be precise, with 54% humidity. And the UV index is at about 800, because some crazy decided to build the place under a huge hole in the ozone layer-thingy. Back home, I'd be just comfy- maybe looking for another layer. But here, heck, it's a heatwave. I think it's warmer in Phoenix today- and it's winter there.

I'm wearing sunscreen, and a hoodie (light weight) and jeans (whole-y) and flipflops and a wifebeeter and assorted underwear.

And I'm hot.

Oh, I know- lose the hoodie and swap the jeans for something lighter, but... I don't think I have enough sunscreen for that.

See- when I was a kid, I used to spen all summer with my grandparents, on the beach in florida. And after about a week I'd be toasted a nice shade of brown (went well with the white blonde hair). Then, sometime in highschool, I realised that all those tan people look really really old at about 30. And since I don't want to look old, I stopped doing the sun thing. And I got very very pale.

And now, no matter what I do, how much time I spend in the evil demon sun, or what I do or don't wear, I don't tan. I burn. I freckle, I pale. No tanning. Well, except in spots- if I get sunscreen on everything but one small spot of my face, that spot will tan. If I just get one small spot of SS on my face, I just freckle. Forget it entirely, and I *still* just freckle. Well, after the burn goes away.

So in my totally vain attempt to continue looking "not old" I am wearing too many clothes- 'cause clothes is easier than slathering smelly stuff all over. Cheaper too.

and sucking down the venti mocha frap's like they're going out of style.

Now if only they weren't so cold they make my stomach hurt....


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