January 27, 2007

Doctor Dislike

Odd, I'm sure, but for someone who wants to professionally do the medical thing (tho on animals other than people), I *hate* going to the doctor.

I don't know if it's because they chase me with sharp and pointies, or that they tend to be very condecending, or maybe that I just feel like an idiot going in and explaining what's bothering me.

Example. My shoulder is killing me. Ok, maybe not killing me, I'd give it about a 4. For comparison's sake, getting hit in the head with a hockey puck is about a 3.5, and a headache so bad I lock myself with bigtime painkillers in a pitch black dead silent room and whimper for 10 hours is about a 6. But the normal Rice crispy sounds have moved on to hurting, moving it hurts, and it's just driving me batty. I *should* see a doctor for this- I might actually be able to do something about it other than advil and ice it into (eventual) submission.

But I probably won't.

Part of it, I know, is a carry-over from my childhood, when if whatever was wrong was still *just as wrong* after a week, you could go to the doctor. Not before. Parents not big on the doctor thing, me thinks.

Problem with the "if it's not better in a week, I'll go then" thing is... well, you have to explain to the doctor all about how it feels like people are gouging your (ear/ brain/ knee/ shoulder) with ice picks, sawing thru the muscles, and setting up big-time pain factories in the area that's bugging you, and have been doing it for, oh... 7 or 8 days. Somehow, this seems to discredit your pain rating, even if it was conservative to begin with.

And if you've got something like bronchitis, they really stare at you, and give you the "are you an idiot" lecture.

Or they decide that, because I'm female, I must be making up whatever's bugging me and they tell me there's nothing wrong and send me home. I hate doctors like that.

So I'm sitting here with a shoulder that's been bugging me for a week or so, a hip that keeps locking, and a total lack of allergy meds, because I'm worried the doctor's going to look at me like I'm an idiot. Or send me off for x-rays or something expensive.

Meh, I hate going to the doctor. Maybe if they gave me treats... or did my nails.

Damn, dogs have it good. They even get their butt squozed if they act right.


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