January 23, 2007

For your amusement

I have about ten minutes before I have to leave to take a test/ quiz that "only counts if" it raises my grade. So busy work...

So as I chug starbucks (my stomach hates me right now) and listen to alice's restaurant, I figure rather than studying (which will just put me to sleep- damn that CSI), I will point all of you (all 2 of you) to my favorite january game- the state of the union drinking game!

Now, I missed it when it ran live, that whole lab thing, and I can't play tonight, but it'll be there for a while, and as soon as they get it loaded at c-span, I can play over and over again. But not tonight.

But I figure all of you can play (if you haven't already). It's true bipartisan fun! well, unless you're one of those no-fun having types, in which case, get off the internet- it's the work of teh devil, and will make you burn in hell. And I really don't want people like that hanging out in hell with me. Nope nope nope.

so anyway- state of the union drinking game, with link to c-span's state of the union page.

and remember- don't drink and drive. Unless you're in the senate.


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