October 26, 2006

procrastination and a sleepless night.

It's 20 to 5. I'm still up. I was exhusted at 9, crawled into bed, and then could not sleep. Put on movies, still no sleep. Stared at the wall for 3 or 4 hours, still no sleep.

I'm blaming stress. I only have 4 or 5 days 'till my first exam, and every time I start to get drifty I think about that, my pulse shoots up, and I start doing the totally unatractive gasping thing. Very not good for long sleeping.

So since I can't sleep, am I doing the endless list of stuff I need to work my way thru that begins with studying and ends with packing? nope. Not even close. I spent 20 minutes on the phone with mom- who's man-friend is getting his tonsils out- then wandered the 'net for 20 minutes, before realising that what I really wanted was to watch the Kenya clip. Because I like it. And it's cute. And it reminds me I've got to get back over there.

Warning- that link contains an addictive song. With cute dancing animals. And Norway. which I am dancing along to as I type this. It might be time to cut the caffeine/ sugar out of my diet. Like I didn't know that already.

Yeah, so no sleep for me. And not enough concentration to study. And way too wired already to even think about popping some ginko. Give myself a freaking heart attack.

If I were a running kinda girl, I'd be out doing that. It's taking all of my vast lazyness to keep from doing crunches and stretching and whatnot. I need to bounce. I get the feeling, tho, that the person who lives below me might not appreciate that very much. Not at 10 to 5 in the morning, anyway.


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