October 29, 2006

A mini celebration! and a recipe

No, the pants aren't here.

But my ethernet port broke itself, and uninstall/ re-install actually worked to fix it. And I was so excited when it connected that my mammals notes fell off the bed and spilled all over the floor.

So, to save me from having to pick it up just now, I'm going to share a recipe i like.

Honey mustard dressing-
scale it up or down depending on how much you want- part= heaping T is just about right for one big salad.
Pricing reflects what I pay here, for imported stuff, in NZ dollars.

1 part each
  • Hellman's or Best foods Mayo
  • Whole grain, brown or dijon mustard
  • Honey
3 parts light flavored oil- I used olive, but anything works.
sprinkle of salt.

Toss it all in a blender or food processor, or in a cup and use one of those wand blender thingies. mix it up untill it's all nice and together. test the flavor and add more honey or mustard, depending on what you like. Eat. And for bob's sake, don't use that stuff that looks like schoolbus yellow paste!

  • mayo- .17
  • mustard- .17 to .30
  • honey- .10 to .50
  • oil- .6 to .24
Price range is based on brand/ type. Soy oil is cheap, olive not so much.

But unless you like miracle whip, don't try it with NZ mayo, which tastes closer to that than regular mayo- too much sugar, I think....

So it's not that cheap for salad, but if you want to use it to dip your veggies in, or coat chicken, or something, it works out pretty good. And it tastes better than the crap they sell in the stores here. actually, if you only put one or two tablespoons on a burger, or whatever, it's pretty cheap. I just use too much dresing.

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