February 12, 2007

The demon that stalks my days

Somehow, no matter how hard I try, I can't get away from this voice I have in my head. Not a normal "you suck, you should give up and go home" voice, I don't think that would be anywhere near as annoying.

No, this voice comes from the grocery store, the saturday market, the fruit stand on the side of the road. And it whispers to me. Everywhere.

"come to me, j. I have things for you to buy. Yummy tasty soda and chips and another bag of potatoes and some more dried beans"

And I valiantly try to resist. But I can't. I don't know if it's because I have to go in anyway to get my soda fix (I'm so not paying $3 for a 1.5L bottle). Or if it's because it's embarrassing to pay for $5 worth of soda with my credit card (Hey, it's the end of the summer, and my budget kinda died a slow painful death on the way to NY), or if it's just because I'm some kind of creepy hoarder.

I could give you a rundown of what I have, but let's just leave it that, if I wanted to, I could probably feed ten people for at least two or three days. i have like, two or three *kilograms* of lentils- that's at least 30 or 40 pounds! (ok, like5) And veggies, and salad stuff, and a huge vat of honey, and sugar I've only used making bread. And bread making stuff! I think about the only thing I don't have right now (other than refried beans, taco shells, el pato and chipotles in adobo sauce) is baked beans!

totally off topic- the google spell checker hates the words chiplotles and adobo. Of course, it also seems to hate the word google... Ah, nevermind the google thing- just wants it in caps.

Back on topic.

So, in my most recent valiant effort to ignore the sneaky shopping voice, i made a list. A short-ish list. And I avoided the call of the 10$ quart of very nice ice cream. and I ignored the sweet song of the candy aisle (except the 4 pack of cream eggs- which were on my list) and didn't even get any chips.

But I went, in one 15 minute shopping spree, from having easily 5 weeks of food, to closer to 7. And the trip to the asian grocer yesterday totally didn't help- tho I didn't buy the grape pocky like I wanted to. Just so I'd have it. But the tofu for a large family? I'll be having veggie stroganoff for weeks. Ok, maybe 4 days.

Help me, please- make the grocery store stop telling me about all the food I could buy there, then not cook, and throw out. The checkout girls are starting to recognize me!

Hmm.. now some studying, and some reheating of yummy fake enchiladas. With cheese this time, tho.


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