July 2, 2010

Start of Month Update- July 2010

Yay, new month, new goals. Well, some of them, anyway.

Starting out with mental/ physical health goals-
  1. Try to meditate at least 2x a week, right after getting up, before using the computer
  2. work out in some way (maybe try yoga or do basic ballet warm ups) at least 2x week
  3. EAT
financial is next up, and pretty important
  1. cancel WoW for now. If I can't afford cell phone time, I can't afford WoW.
  2. Turn in *and check up on* at least two applications/ resumes a week. 4 is better.
  3. Find, earn, or create (legally) enough money to pay the rent next month.
Then personal/ business-y
  1. Write (other than blogs) at least once a day, even if it's only 5 words.
  2. Claim, write, and turn in at least 1 article a week, no matter what.
  3. Get local travel site up and running.
  4. Break $1 a day average earning barrier online.
So that's what, 10 goals? Most pretty easy. Some a bit tougher. Some should just be basic, really. Some I'd have to try pretty hard to mess up, actually. Maybe it's cheating to give myself goals I almost have to meet, but I think I need that built in win. I really don't (you know, inside where it matters) know that I can do *any* of this stuff.

Yeah, there's some overlap between the items. there always is some overlap somewhere in life. I think I like this way, though. Someday, after all, I'll be able to pay the bills without wondering where the cash is coming from. I just have to work my way there. If fsking my mind is the only way to do that, then time for me to fsk away.

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