July 9, 2010

The Power of Slacking

This article was supposed to be written almost 12 hours ago. I slacked hard core- think sleeping and drinking and wandering the house aimlessly.

But it wasn't all wasted time. I also wrote two articles for a content mill (about $4 worth), found out that my local grocer has discontinued my favorite non-dairy ice cream, and got half way through signing up for demand studios. I even talked a friend into signing up at one of the content mills, and he's also done about $4 worth of work.

So while I didn't do what I was supposed to (get a blog post up by 9am) I did do *something*.

I think that's kinda a key feature of slacking for me. When I'm driving hard at a goal, it's too tough to reach- it's a huge scary monster standing between me and what I want. When I say "ok, self, goof off now," that pressure is taken away and things just flow.

Now, I'm not saying that I don't need to pay the bills at the end of the month. I'm also not saying that endless slacking is good for anyone. But for me, sometimes, it gives me the freedom to just *do* something.

A sort of push past the fear, as it were. Now, I need to go write 3 more articles and fix up my resume before drinking time starts in an hour. I can do it, I'm sure- I'll just relax first!

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