March 7, 2010

A wild guess at my budget

My student loans are (mostly) still hanging out in who knows where, not repaying yet land. I hope they stay there a bit longer. As long as I don't have numbers for them, though, my budget is more than a little hypothetical.

So.... I'm breaking my budgeted expenses into two groups right now. I know they should be three or four, but for now they're just life expenses and debt expenses.

Life Expenses (in no particular order, monthly average)
  • Rent- $350
  • Internet- $20
  • Food- $30 (already in my hands thru mid-august)
  • Soda- $30 (this needs to go down)
  • Gas- $50
  • Car repair fund- $50
  • Car insurance- $30 (paid 6 mo's, so sinking fund for sept.)
  • Cell phone- $15
  • Skype- $10 (about $60/ yr. +$3-5/ month in calls)
  • WoW- $15 (yes, really)
  • Misc. household stuff- $30 (guess)
  • lotto/ fun- $20
  • 10% oops- $65
Total per month- $715

There's a bunch of stuff I can take out of there, and a bunch of stuff that's just a wild guess. I don't spend more than $10, really, on the lotto/ fun category. I've no idea how much household stuff will run, now that we've got most of the stuff we need, and it's just soaps and replacements. And obviously, if I don't fix something soon WoW goes away. I could probably pull $145 off of that if I had to, but I'd be running really close to the edge.

And I wouldn't have any soda. That would be bad.

Debt payment/ repayment expenses (known so far)
  • CC1- $15
  • CC2- $265
  • CC3- $365
  • Dad- $100
  • S. Mae- $100
  • other unknown loans- $$$$$
Total debt payment- $845

That's without most of my student loans. Note- don't pay tuition with credit cards. Also don't pay for anything else with them, unless they are then directly paid off with cash from the bank.

So my total out going money (right now) is $1560, with $65 for oopses. In a state with 9% income tax on... everything... my take home will be between 72 and 76% of my gross. I need to make about $2100 a month to break even, without any other expenses. That's a little over $12, working 40 hours a week.

Now I just need to find a $12/hr job in a state with double digit unemployment, in less than two weeks. Yay? But that's a project for tomorrow.

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