March 13, 2010

schedules, bills, interviews, and terror

First off- I'm going to try to get on some sort of actual schedule here. Unless I'm sick, dead, or have said differently I'll work on posting consistently Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, before 9am on the east coast of the US (-5 GMT, I think).

I'll update my debt bars in by Monday the 15th, and my savings bars as well, since there's been a bit of change in there. Namely my E-fund is just about gone, and my cc's might be going up in the next couple days.

Interviews- I've had one. For a minimum wage job. If I don't hear from them by Monday on a "working interview" I should assume they're not interested. Which I read as they're not interested now, and just don't want to say it while I'm standing there.

Which brings me to terror.

I have about $70 cash, $50 of it off in ING land, where I can't get to it right now. There are only a couple of places hiring, even servers. But Charleston is very competitive for server jobs, there are lots of career waiters.

So right now I have no job, no idea when I'll get one, and no money. Oh, and I live in a rodent and insect infested dump with a pair of super slobs. The only thing I have anywhere on the horizon is the (faint) possibility of a job that will pay half my bills, if I'm careful. I'm beginning to think I should have just emptied my accounts when I got my tax return and hopped a bus someplace cheap.

Basically, if I don't have a server job by Wednesday, and I'm not earning money by Friday, I won't have to worry about my crap living situation, because I'll be getting kicked out at the end of the month.

Sometimes jumping really sucks.

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