June 14, 2010

Income, Positive Thinking, and Motivation

Totally linked. My motivation and positive thinking are both low (not as bad as last week, oddly, but yeah, down there), so my income is too.

But even as low as my income is (and it doesn't match my expenses at all right now), it's still something. So I'm gonna work with that.

The last two months I've "earned" enough each month to pay any *one* of my two or three (5?) lowest bills. Now, that's not much in the overall scheme of things, and it's not enough each month for a payout, but it's money I wouldn't have otherwise, and I didn't have to go do some job I hate to get it.

It's a pretty bit deal to me. Of course, I don't know what it says about me that I have 3 or 4 bills that run about $15 a month, but wow.

So with zero motivation, and a deep and abiding belief that I'm a huge pile of FAIL, I manage to invent enough money to pay a bill. What could I do with some motivation? And where do I find it?

Now, normally I'm sure people would say something like "fake it 'til you make it", but the very thought of that makes me want to throw up. And I'm a *really bad* liar. How do you fake wanting to do something anyway?

(Note- this might be part of the reason I'm not one of those settled, grown-up, married people.)

So instead I'm going to set a goal, and not let myself do anything fun until I get the dratted thing done. I'm writing at least the home page for my (sitting there empty and abandoned) website. Before noon. And then I'm damned well putting it up. Even if the theme sucks.

So I guess it's time to decide if I'm using WP or some sort of "real" CMS, huh? But not until after I write the damned article.

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