June 30, 2010

End of Month Update- June 2010

To start out, I got one thing done that wasn't anywhere as tough as I thought it would be- I applied for (and so far got) forbearance on my (non-private, in repayment) student loans. So Bonus. If (when) I finish filling out the paperwork at an "employment" agency (also known as a temp agency) I can apply for deferral instead.

New website isn't coming along. I had the main page up, but decided I didn't think it was going to work. Rather than work on it in WP, though, I decided to try it in Joomla again. Mistake. I can't get it to look professional *at all*, so back to WP I'll be going.

I managed about 6 applications (so far, month isn't quite over yet), so I was 2-4 short. I'll call it a half fail.

With one day to go, I haven't *quite* hit my income goal (20% was, maybe, a little ballsy), but I've still grown over last month. I've have joined a new ad network, which pays totally on eyeballs, rather than clicks, hopefully increasing my income there. It also shares headlines, so I might get some new visitors as well.

I *did* leave the house about 4 days a week, but usually only one or two was before noon. I (mostly) managed to talk to someone each time, except the library- they've put in an automatic check out, and I don't think they care that I'm trying to practice being social.

Oh, and the meditating? Not so much. Even when I remember to try it, I can't shut my brain up enough to want to try it. I know, can't get better if you don't practice.

I did manage to not totally freak out this month. I called and cashed out my (one) stock and my (whole $200) 401k, which took calling and talking to strangers with out hyperventilating. Yay for shy geeky anti-social types!

Now I'm gonna write out a check for the rent (and the back rent) so I have a place to live in July.

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