September 20, 2006

Projects and summer school

I knew I shouldn't put things off again, oops. This thing has got to read like a train wreck at this point.

So what's up here? It's looking like spring. I've found a guy to hang out with (read that how you choose). I hate my bicycle. I hate biometrics.

speaking of biometrics, I really need to stop putting off the reports for that class until the very last minute, or I'm going to fail it. I need to actually do them, is I suppose what I'm saying. Staying and putting myself deep into the pit of money owed really does me no good if I just keep fucking up. Although at this point that seems to be the only thing I do well.

Anywho- My projects are all getting to the point that I have to pay more attention to them. Mainly because they're due soon, or worth more, or needed to keep me in the range I need to even bother staying here. If I oops too bad, I might as well just go home and go back to hel-mart.

Summer, though, I'm going to re-take chem, I think, extramurally. I don't think I need to take an on-campus class, tho there is this week or so I have to show up and re-do all the labs, which is really not a problem, 'cause I enjoy chem lab, whatever I might say to the contrary. Which means that for the most part my summer plans are the same. I just have to find internet access more often, and cart a big boring book around with me. Ah well.

It also means I get to take out more loans. One class means smaller loan, two means bigger. Hmmm... Two gives me more chances to up my gpa thing, tho... ah, decisions.

speaking of projects, I need to print out a copy of the questions for the poster project, eat lunch, and shower before lab- I have an hour an a half. I wish me luck.


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