September 13, 2006

Bounce. bounce bounce bounce

So... I had my most recent visit with my magic eye doctor lady. I finally am fitted for contacts. She's put me in slightly cheaper ones. Cheaper ones I could probably get at home, or even *from* home for about half the price I'm paying here. But anyway, I'm finally fitted.

But to get fitted, I had to be there (awake, oddly enough) at 9.30 this morning. Which means I have to be up *before* 9.30 this morning. Before 8.30, even. So I went to sleep at 6.30 last night (I was tired, ok? it's that midnight CSI watching, it catches up with me).

And then I woke up at about 4.30 this morning. Which wouldn't have been bad, but I'm too lazy to get out of bed untill I have to, so I stayed in the nice warm bed, under the nice warm comforter and fluffy down sleeping bag untill about 7, when I put my contacts in and climbed back into bed. I made the bus, by the way.

So anyway, a hungry j. got downtown, where she bought some bread. And a choco croisant. But that's not what makes j's go boing boing boing.

Or bounce bounce bounce, either.

Oh, no. j. had an extra ten minutes, and there's this starbucks on the corner I had to wait on (for the light people, geeze...). So I got a huge mocha. And then I dumped in a pile of sugar. Then I chugged it. Mmmmm. Chocolate and sugar... and caffeine. Yummy. On an empty stomach. So I'm bouncing.

A lot.

And having trouble typing straight. But that's a problem anyway. Good thing I've only got the one lab today. Maybe I should work on that stuff I have to do for next week now. Or maybe that'd be a bad idea. Hmm...

Speaking of that lab- it's a nutrition-y lab. We're looking at satiation based on timing and size and ingredients in meals. And then we're doing a smell/ tastetest. which is the one I get to do, since while they told us that if we had food restrictions we should email "us" they never said who "us" was, or gave an e-mail or phone number, or anything.

So we're supposed to fast for 4 hours before the lab. Or was it 6. Oh well, either way, I cheated. since plain coffee doesn't like my stomach, I had the chocolate-y sugary roll thing. But yeah, fasting, so no putting anything else in my guts to slow down the coffee. I'm going to be crashing soon.

Hmmm.. so yeah, coffee= bad.


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