April 12, 2010

My Problem with Dave Ramsey

Just to be clear from the beginning- I have no personal problems with Dave Ramsey the person. not even with the business, strategy, whatever.

I figured out what's wrong with it for me.

The Dave Ramsey plan is all about taking care of stuff now so you can enjoy... something... eventually... later. And it's a plan.

I think I've covered my propensity for jumping already, right? I am a singularly contrary person. If you tell me that retirement happens at the end of life when I'm old and weak, I say "ha ha, no!" and take off doing something else. Even though I'm doing a "deprivation experiment", I'm not into deferred gratification. Much like the song in Willy Wonka- I want what I want, and I want it NOW!

So the Dave plan doesn't work for me- too much plan, too much wait, too much "later". Why on earth would you want to put off stuff until sometime that probably will never come? That doesn't work with my brain.

I'm working with a couple ideas I've had. Things I've actually been thinking about starting, but was putting off. I'm moving them up, starting them sooner. I think I've shown myself that I can stick with something (even if half-assedly) enough to get it out there. Now I need to start.

So my finances are still crap. I have a couple short term ways i'm working on to take care of that, plans to build something to deal with them mid-term, and a whole life to plan with them off in the hazy future.

I do know, though, that my life is out there, in the world. Not in an office, or store, or this room I type from. It's on a cheap golf course in Peru, or a trail in Pennsylvania, or a blue water sailboat in the middle of the Pacific. Maybe on a cheap sailboat going to a trail in Peru- I'm really not sure. but it's sure as hell not *here*.

What can I say, I'm strange.

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