April 28, 2010

Building Something from Nothing- part 1

I want (to some degree) to provide transparency here. More specifically, I've been building something online. I want to provide transparency with that. All sorts of people make and sell e books about how they make money online. I'm not ever intending to do that- I doubt I'll ever make enough to not feel like a total impostor.

But I've got something actually bringing in some money- not much, mind, but some. I intend (hope?) to turn that "some" into more. I guess you could say I'm slowly fashioning time into money. It isn't the end of the month yet, so these aren't the actual numbers. They should be pretty close, though.

  • Adsense- $117
  • Amazon- $0.10
  • Associated Content- $5
  • Photobucket Pro- $4
Adsense is actually about 2 years worth, with all but 50 cents coming in the last month and a half. Associated Content is upfront payment for an article. I'll have to do more of those- it off-set the cost of having to increase bandwidth on my photo hosting.

So, what am I doing with $118.10? Ideally some would go to savings now, for taxes later. I don't have the luxury of doing that just yet, so it's going to have to wait a bit.

What I'm really going to do with it is pick up some cheap hosting for a year or so (I should be able to manage this) and build an informative site that has lots of advertising possibilities, and plenty of affiliate tie-ins. Hosting alone should take up most of my "income", and any left over will probably be used to upgrade my photo hosting. If there's anything left after that, I'm thinking of adding a book review blog- I read anyway, might as well review and post as well, right?

In the mean time, I've got a couple articles claimed and needing to be written for a couple different sites, and I'm looking into the whole "article marketing" thing. I don't know that it's for me, but I might as well check it out. Worst that could happen is I get blocked from a couple places, right?

As far as longer term goals are concerned- This all works with my "don't live someplace longer than you have to" goals. Paper books might be tough to come by in some countries, but electronic copies are often easier to find. An informational website shouldn't be too tough to keep updated from elsewhere- while there are changes, my target topic only really has a few seasonal peaks in activity, and it'd be easy enough to either be close by, or always online around those times.

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