April 23, 2010

Deposit on my Last House is Gone

or: why do landlords feel a need to keep the deposit when you're moving out of state.

Previous landlord finally sent a letter with a list of what he took out of the deposit to my former roommate- I still haven't heard from him. Given that we moved out at the end of january, and it was the 22 of april before she got the letter, I'm not sure what he was up to.

Honestly, a bunch of his "charges" are BS, and a lot of what he's calling damage was normal wear and tear- much of it left by the people before us. Realistically, though, it would cost more to go back out there and fight him over the money than either of us is likely to see from it.

i don't know that i'll get the deposit back from the place I'm in now, either, and it's not even in an habitable state. The kitchen floor is just about ready to fall in, the table is on the spongiest part, and the pier holding the house off the ground is the high point in the floor. If I wanted to i could probably get out of the lease, but I don't know what I'd do instead right now.

In other news, I did not win the lottery and still don't have a job. On a more positive note, If I can get my loans in deferral, and simply kill my credit by not paying my credit cards for a while, I only need to make about 500 a month to stay indoors, fed, and with car insurance and all the comforts of rat shack- I mean home.

I'm slightly disturbed that that's my positive news, but well, sometimes ya just gotta take what you can get.

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