June 5, 2006

things I'm learning while studying (that have nothing to do with the subject)

It takes 6 times as long to go over the info from a lecture if you're watching a movie, chatting online, talking on the phone, and eating at the same time

It takes much more time to go over physics than anything else

I like to make stupid mistakes

I can go thru bio lectures in 30 minutes if I don't goof off or listen to music at the same time

I make lots of stupid mistakes- like misreading 3.0m/s as 30m/s

I need new glasses

Chocolate ice cream (movenpick brand) makes very yummy but expensive breakfast. Yum Yum.

Study physics first- brain shuts down fast without caffeine, bio don't need as much thinking, just remembering.

Always have caffeine around. Tea doesn't count.

Starting to study 2 weeks (or months) ago like I said I would would've made this much, much easier.

I still have time to learn it all. If only I could find the on switch for my brain.

I have the attention span of a 2 year old. On crack.


1 comment:

  1. vibe and drugs?

    What? me? should be studying? never... You're up early, btw.
