May 31, 2006

Happy Happy Happy, Joy Joy Joy

So, for the benefit of those of you who only follow my lame mental wanderings here- I passed like, 2 whole tests.

I'm excluding the "mastery tests" in my animal class, because they were open book, and more along the lines of "can you read and chew gum at the same time" type questions. Not quite as bad as :

"all mammals have gills- true/ false?"

But close. Very very close. and open lab book. Where you could put all the info you wanted, so long as it was handwritten. I'll let you guess how much info mine has in it. Wait, let me give you a clue. That's just about the only thing I write by hand, is just about the only thing I've written by hand in the last ten years or so. Because on a good day my handwriting looks like it was done by a blind, left-handed 6 year old boy on crack. With his right hand.

So yeah, I passed! yippee skippy!

Now I just have to do my chem write up, and go to my physics lab tomorrow, and I'm done with labs for the semester, and I can go into crazy studying mode.

See, the theory is, if I can get almost an 80% studying 6 lessons for 4 hours, and that with a lot of stupid mistakes ( like writing someone elses name on your SAT form, but not quite), then I should be able to do way the heck better if I actually work through everything. Scary, I know.

Might I point out, for not the first time, I'm sure, that this whole final counts for almost everything way of grading is a very very bad thing for those of us with severe procrastination problems?

I mean, honestly, if you can pass the labs (show up, basically) and do good on the final, and still grab something in the mid 80's across the board, something's really, really wrong. And I don't study untill I have to. Note, this is a bad idea with science.

It's not like lit, where you can grab two books that might, perhaps, possibly have some sort of connection, grab a dozen or so quotes, and just write a paper around them. They actually expect you to remember this stuff. Scaaaaaaaa-ryyyyyyy.

If only arts was more interesting/ less something you can just about totally learn on your own, that degree would be soooo much easier.

In other school related news, I got free pizza yesterday. I ate almost one whole one, and about a liter of coke, and found out that if I fail miserably in my attempt to get in this semester, but pass my classes, I can always go home next semester. Hey, I could be in wyoming again for fall semester- and I'm sure they wouldn't count anything I've done here, so I could take all these classes again! wow, that would be... um... lame. Yeah, that's it. Lame. But back to here- I can go home, then come back for the semester after that. Cool, eh?

Which reminds me, I need to do my fafsa. Should probably get the numbers from my mother again... unless they are hiding deep in my e-mail. Which they probably are.

So yeah, fetal pigs- which were actually still born pigs. Odd how they only use an animal for one lab here, but I guess they just don't have time in a survey-type course to spend three weeks looking at all the neat-o stuff inside little dead pigs (says the vegetarian).

Hmm.. what else....

Oh, yeah, I remember- I got to listen to a great sales pitch (well, so far as any sales pitch offered by and science-type academic can be) about how all the people who fail miserably, but still pass animals and cells should investigate the ever interesting, and career-worthy fields of ecology, zoology, and environmental studies. On brightly colored (or coloured) paper. Exciting, yes?

Call me crazy, I think I prefer the smaller political field in your average vet practice or state senate to the nasty, underhanded backstabbing politics of academia. But that could just be me.


1 comment:

  1. I think your classes must be more like video games, the further you go along, the harder it gets..

    (Yes, I used a video game analogy in reference to attending college!)

    Academia's best for those insanely smart people that come up with lots of good theories only to be gradually whittled down to shadows of their former selves, because of beaurocracy, and campus crap (politics).
