June 15, 2006

exams and tough decisions

Well, with half my real exams done, and just two more and the way lame-o fake SAT left to take, I have to say my confidance in even being allowed to stay in the country is rather lacking.

Physics was... um.... I think the best word is bad. It was in what might as well have been a gymnasium. It was a huge echoing hall, with ranks and ranks of tables. Like bad-movie SAT's, or something, with every sound twice as loud, and drafts, and... yeah. Very glad that's over. But I did get to see all kinds of wool samples, since the big drafty room from hell is in the "wool" building. Funny that....

Cells, well, cells was about as tough as I expected. I might possibly have BS'd my way to a C in the class, but doubt it was much better than that- the best I could do is like a 69 or 70 on the entire test, and I *know* I got some of them wrong. Like very wrong. Tho I am pretty sure that the chick who ate the franken-burger isn't now transgenic. Yeah.

So the way this goes now is- if I passed cells (but I don't think I did) and if I pass chem (but I don't know if I will) then I can stay and take the classes that someday lead me back into the vet program. I basically have longer to raise my GPA rather than having to get A+ on everything.

All for the bargain price of about 20k us, all inclusive.

Or with those grades I can go back and Wyoming will probably let me back in. I could take art classes- which neatly avoids most of my problems with normal classes- mainly that there is less very boring reading to do... not none, and that doesn't make it easy- if I wanted easy I'd finish the crap I need for an english degree... now that's easy.

And that I can do, getting a BA of some sort, in about 2 years. At which point I'm eligable for most of the european schools. Heck, I'm probably eligable for them now, if I just had a damned degree. And all that degree getting goodness for less than 30k us.

I shouldn't be looking at this from a money point, I know. I just... I don't know. New Zealand is nice and all, and I love the school itself, and the people in the vet department are really great, but... wow, the rest of it sucks. It's forever and a pile of money to get anywhere, it's expensive for what you get, they're all freaking short, the government treats us like an ATM, and the Financial Aid lady would make a nightmare carreer DMV worker look like a cute cuddly kitten.

Of course, I'd be back in wyoming... Hmmm... ah well, this would be so much less stressful If I actually thought the miracle fairy would come down from the place where all the food is yummy, and get me into vet.

Tho I guess you could say I did it to my own damned self...

ok, back to studying- I have a test tomorrow.



  1. Parents are here.. lots of explaining, hiding general amounts of pron and evidence of dirty laziness..
    The living room is nice and empty compared to the last time you've seen it.

    I don't know how you'd feel about coming back here.. but I wouldn't kick you out of bed for settling on being an art student.. That would actually explain your personality more being in art.. But being the 'prodigious' lover of a licensed semi-comfortable vet, complete with crazy pets was a nice day dream..

  2. You haven't met many vets, have you? most of the ones I know are totally nuts. Like, compleatly.

    And I don't have a personality. take it back! I'm just tempermental. Like a kick ass old car.

    So not for being an art student, huh? how about if I went to the dark side and did business or conned my way into law school? (yeah, not happening)

  3. Nothing wrong with being an art student.. except believing the lie. And you don't get 'that' until the end of your third year. Vets and artists are nuts.. I'd believe that.
    Tempermental like 'Christine'?

    what? It was just a daydream!
