June 18, 2006

random, totally

Studying is good. Studying is important. Studying is a great way to not fail.

Wait, let me repeat that last one again- it's kinda important.

Studying is a great way to NOT FAIL.

Therefore, I am not studying. Well. Kinda

Actually, I'm taking an extended break from studying. Since about last week sometime, actually. Oops. Maybe I should be an art student after all. And see a shrink. And I don't have a personality. It's a nasty horrid lie. Really.

And a polite way of saying I'm a scatterbrained, freaky, nutso wackjob who's flighty as all hell.

But other than that, a great way to relax while studying that I've found is to read engrish.

Yes, Engrish, helping people relax since, oh, 2004 at least. With yummy bad translations, and all sorts of things you don't want children to see. Ever, if you can help it. But nothing about all your base are belong to us.

Which brings me to my next bit of procrasti... er... study break relaxation... yeah, that's it.

Finding neato geeky t-shirts. Like this one, that I shall some day be sappy enough to give to someone, who will then stare at me like I have two heads, and one is trying to eat the other. Well, people already stare at me like that, so let's say 4 heads involved in some little brainy shouting match with sticks. Yeah, that's it.

Hmmm.. maybe I would be a good art student. They don't even look at really crappy science grades in art. Hell, I could probably sell it to them as a great chance to see a different part of the world, you know, build up my life experience (of failing), and gain new perspective. Or some such total bull. Yeah... Now if only artists actually earned real money. That'd be nice.

See, I generally avoid artists and art. Not because I dislike them, oh no. That would make things far simpler. If I didn't like art, or artists, life would be far less expensive. Instead, I have to avoid art and artists, because art makes me aquisitive. And that really doesn't work when you're in school and insist on everything you own being light enough to carry by yourself while sprinting through the airport. (not that I meet that ideal right now... I can't really sprint at all. I turn this rather funny shade of scary and get neato blue lips, and make this creapy gasping dying sound. It's not pretty- And the golf equipment doesn't help, either)

So yeah, I hang out around artists, and I see art, and I think, wow, I really wouldn't mind waking up to see that painting (or pot, or photo, or...) across the room from me for the rest of my life. So yeah, art = expensive. Or illegal.

But I've wandered. Studying makes people pass. Or sleeping with the person who gives out the grades, but... yeah... no offense to any New Zealand types reading this, but... dude, you people are rather lacking in very hot professors. Unless they're all hiding in some department I'll never see. In which case, damn, people, send them over! I need aesthetically pleasing background people, and they're in scary short supply. And if one of them could read my notes off to me... yeah.

Oh, back to smutty boo.... er, chem, yeah, chem.



  1. When's the garage sale?
    & J.
    I'm still an artist in the more lucrative field of g-d, there's also web design, and the increasingly ever blurry line between comp sci and e-art.

    I could technically make all the art you'll need j.

    And reading about art is always good with an interesting teacher and subject matter.. and in art the teachers are either crazy, pretentious, or cool, or in variations of the 3.

    Aquisitional behavior is something that's innate, like chocolate, or the cumpulsion to creat. So don't blame the art programs, blame the cumpulsion to get cool shit to put on your walls.. Like early in my days in ebay, where i fancied myself a art collector.. 2 bull fighting posters, a varga poster, a japanese woodblock print from the early 1900's and various foreign posters later.. I still haven't hung them up!

    Not to mention my old vestiges of high school where I imitated comic form and drew lots of characters that never went anywhere near an actual homemade comic.


  2. Nice, pron..! Unsoiled? At least detectable by womanly senses? Whas the addy? email to destro753@hotmail.com
    I saw you in the library today! Harry Potter on cd? Lazy! Might not make it to the helping portion.. another friend is moving that weekend into a trailer off north 9th..
