May 15, 2006

schoolwork epiphany

I have figured out why I don't study. I don't know why it took me this long.

It's so simple it's stupid.

Studying, no matter how "interesting" the subject matter, is still way the hell more boring than just about anything else I could do with the same time. Including cleaning toilets. And that's damned boring.

I think it's the sitting still part. Keep me interested, and I'll sit still for hours, days even. Give me something I don't want to get into, that's boring, and requires some actual thought, and there is no way in hell I have the self discipline to actually do it.

Example- I pulled down my stuff for cell bio and physics. My physics stuff actually has written on it how many problems go with each lecture. The next one has 23. My cell bio notes say what to read in the big bad bio book of death (+1), and that happens to be a whole boring chapter plus some other stuff. So I highlighted the lecture in my notes, and then went off to play lame games.
Why yes, I have study skills. Really. I can write papers on nothing, and get A's. Unfortunately, science wants papers written on *something*, or better yet, the current right answers to whatever the heck it is we're reading in the book/ zoning on in lectures. Silly science.

I guess I should go back to studying. If I keep cooking when I should be studying (eating is more important than grades, you know, so I don't feel bad about putting off boring reading for boring food) I'll be the goodyear blimp before the end of the semester. And that's really not a good look for me.


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