March 20, 2007


If i were to say there was a certain someone here in NZ I wanted to see dipped slowly in acid until her/his limbs dissolved while they screamed in hideous pain, with death at the end just for fun, would anyone here be really surprised?

If I told you this person (to whom I won't actually do this, since it would be waaaaay more work than the person is worth) worked for the university would it be surprising? How about if she (yes she) was so good at her job that she only answered e-mail after 8 days, without checking on anything before replying, and always with no information ("I'm sorry, I don't know if XYZ is here. name")? Would it really hurt to check? Is that not what office workers in direct contact with customers get paid to do?

On the exact same subject, my stafford loans get disbursed (less than 1/3rd of them, for some bob forsaken reason) this friday. The school will have it's money on or about the 30th, and will admit to having it sometime after I'm deported.

My private loan company contacted the school electronically on the 15th (that would be the 16th here, and a friday, which people seem to think is part of the weekend here....) but they haven't heard back, and the loan lady (who I so adore) hasn't heard from them. Really.

I would probably have fallen for this, but last year my loan was "sent" for about two weeks while it was sitting in a file on a desk. Somewhere. So I called the loan companies. And they told me all sorts of fun stuff. And now I want boiling acid and a huge vat and a crane. And an idea of where to go when I get kicked out of school for not paying my tuition. I was thinking south america then travel overland back to the states.... Maybe on my bike.

Maybe universities that are running out of money are exempt from decent customer service? Tho what with a good portion of their operating budget coming from international student tuition and fees, You'd think they'd try a bit harder. I might just do well enough here this semester to get back to Wyoming. After all, it's cheaper and they won't deport me.


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