July 24, 2006

random school randomness. oh, and a bit of a rant.

quick dumbass statement for those who haven't run into it yet- dropping heavy things on laptop screens leaves one without laptoppy goodness.


So my classes this semester kinda sorta rather really suck. Like huge big bad. Communications is teaching me to write an essay. You know, like high school? only more expensive? and with "this is a paragraph" tossed in for fun? Biometrics seems to make no sense, but that could just be me- we read about the importance of stats to scientific work, then... um... at some point we're supposed to learn how to manipulate them, but it hasn't happened yet, and I think my first assignment is due next week. Psych is starting to look really tough, well, the way they discribe it, anyway "this class has a very high fail rate, higher than they expect, and we don't quite know why".

gee, thanks, I really needed to hear that. I'm hoping it's because you have to be able to write a coherent essay in order to pass the class, and most of the kids here haven't written anything more challenging than a 5 minute lab report since 9th or 10th grade. Mammals at least looks interesting. Well, except for the project. Did I mention those? so far two classes have a group project- yes, group. I'm about to shoot myself, but hey, I need to save some fun for later, right?

I forsee me doing none of the work, followed by me freaking out, redoing everything they've done, then having them offed by the local wino (if I can find one) so they don't bring down my grade. It'd be really nice. in a bad way that means I won't do it, of course.

Anyone wanna send me about $1000 us? I'll put it to good use, honest, repairing my computer, and... um... buying food... and... um.... paying some grad student to write my papers... er, um, maybe not that one... how about and paying my bills and rent?

stupid freaking student loan-types.

Maybe this week....


1 comment:

  1. I would if I came into some money. I'd even deliver it in person! Wouldn't that be surprising?

    And no I don't think you should become a pro to get extra moola! It was an interesting article, ok! Even though there's a NZ Pro collective!

    LOL.. Naughty thoughts about Halloween!
