February 27, 2010

Stupid choices and jumping

There are people in the world who plan everything out. I'm sure you've met them, they know what they're wearing a week from next wednesday, eating for lunch tomorrow, and usually carry around a list.

I am not one of those people. I guess you could call me impulsive- when I see something and there's even the slightest chance it'll work out, I jump. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. I could say that there were plans, that I saved to move halfway around the world, that I thought out how everything was going to work, how I was going to pay for everything, and what I'd do if it didn't work out. But I mostly didn't, so that would be a big hairy lie.

I only really bring this up because I was thinking about it this morning, while trying to get a couple hours sleep. I've done it again, you see- jumping with little plan and next to no safety net. Only this time I sort of did plan, I just didn't leave myself much time to pull everything together.

Oh, and I quit my job and moved to a state with pretty seriously bad unemployment.

But mainly I jumped.

Laying in bed, thinking about what I need to pay, and where the money is going to come from, trying not to feel like puking blood (yay, stress!) is a pretty good way to make yourself regret jumping. So is talking to someone who has no idea why you're so gung ho on the exact budget that you're looking at for something. Talking to my father is like this. My monthly bills, so huge and overwhelming to me, are like nothing to him. He can't understand why I'm stressing out, why I don't just use my whole emergency fund to get a car.

Heck, he thinks I should get a loan and just get a better car.

I don't know if sitting him down and showing him where my cash goes, and what I need each month to break even now would get through to him. I don't know that he'd even really listen. After all, what's a couple hundred dollars here and there.

I just don't know.

"Coming out" about my debt to (mostly) total strangers on the internets is much easier than the idea of laying it all out for my family.

So, mostly total strangers on the internets, what would you do? Tell them with charts and graphs, or let everyone think all is puppies and roses, or some other option I just don't see right now?

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