February 19, 2010

Car hunt saga of doooooom!

I moved back to South Carolina at the beginning of February. I haven't had a car since before I went NZ in Feb. of 2006.

So here I am, 3 miles from the nearest bus stop, in a "city" with rather questionable public transportation to begin with. And no car.

Since I got here I've been looking. Before I got here I was looking. Heck, even in Wyoming I was looking, and people only sell rotten old farm trucks there. No car. Found a couple possibles, but they didn't work out. One needed more work than the car was worth, most in my price range lately don't have engines, and a lot of people don't answer e-mail, pick up phone msg's, or know how to pull sold cars from the craig's list listings.

And then there is today. Today there was a perfect car. $700 1990 Volvo. Nothing hugely wrong with it except that it's at the absolute other end of town. Over where my father lives, specifically. So I called the guy, and said I'd have my father call, since he was over there, figuring he might be able to beat the others to the seller's house and get the car.

The car I need to get a job, pay my bills, and continue eating and living indoors.

Called my dad, told him about the car, asked if he could check it out. Implied, but obiously didn't state clearly enough that this was my best chance, and that he'd have to do it right away- like right after getting off the phone with me. I guess I forgot who I called.

Called dad at 3:45, maybe 4 o'clock. Don't hear back, don't hear back, wonder what's happening, finally, he calls back. When he called the guy someone else was test-driving the car, but if they don't buy it, he'll call back. But it's been like half an hour, says my dad, and he hasn't called back yet.

Guess the importance of calling the guy right away wasn't emphasized enough during my original call. So no car, no job, and, at this point, rapidly approaching no hope. Does the military take clinically depressed asthmatics?

At least I know why cars are so freaking over priced right now. I guess during "tax refund" season prices go up.

I'm almost tempted to cut my "dear Santa" list down to just a car. I'm sure I don't really need $85million, Vin Diesel, a dog, and a full staff to care for me... No, I just need a car. Maybe if I'm good santa will bring me one for February 20th-mas. Alternately, I could always buy a powerball ticket. The odds are looking better for that right now.

Pleh. Stupid cars.

on the up-side, Dad actually called the guy. I think.


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