May 31, 2007

It's 8:13 AM, do you know where your lazy blogger is?

Setting me loose on the unsuspecting populace of a sick small town at 7:40 this morning was, perhaps, a mistake. Not because I'm inherently evil (tho I am) or because I have an appointment at 9ish. Or even because for some bob-awful reason I had cash. Oh no.

It was a mistake because I ran out of soda at about midnight. And I haven't slept since. I've watched bad movies, and read bad books, and made fun of both (in my head). But I did not sleep. Because I had no caffeine. This is serious problem.

Perhaps I didn't tell about last week? (I think it was last week... specifics a bit hazy....) Some chick got mugged (kinda) outside my house on monday evening. But by then I had been out of soda for, like, 2 whole hours. And it was 6:30, so Kmart was closed. And the incompetent grocery store was out of soda, so I had no caffeine. So I tried the one across the street, and *they* had not the right brand. And none of the gas stations on the way home had it. And some ditz in a car tried to run me over, and didn't have her lights on.

Dude, important point here- j. needs a new set of knees. She waaaaay deep in debt. She not be unhappy if some brain dead insured type hit her, break knees, and *pay for new ones*. This not a problem. However, driving down the middle of the street, in the dark, without your headlights on, then swearing at sweet, innocent, law abiding j because you're a dumbass, that not ok. And unlike hot boy/boy nekkid party, it not even ok in theory. (mmm, boys....)

Sorry, where was I?

Oh, yeah. Caffeine + me= good

Me-caffeine = Bad.

I hit the grocery store (which is down to 3 bottles now, I pick up more tonight....), starbucks (cafffffeeeeeiiiiiinnnnnneeeee!!!!!!!!!) and the bakery in about 5 minutes. I into town and back in 23 minutes, give or take. With bad knees. And no caffeine. It a motivator. And a mood altering wassname. I loves it.

And I feel sorry for anyone who runs into me when I not got any, and can't get more. I've seen rabid angry dogs who were better behaved.


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