May 17, 2007

Am I the only one who studies better drunk?

For minor clarification, by drunk I mean with a couple jack and whatevers in me. And by study, I mean at all.

I've been sooooo good about the not drinking thing. And all it gets me is this totally uptight, terrified of messing up mess. So I'm too worried about doing the stuff wrong to do the assignments, and too hyper to read the damned books.

But relying on booze to get me thru school is the way of madness and meetings where they sing really lame songs about how some light in the sky makes you happy, or something. Not for me. Tho there are *any number* of functional alcoholics in my family, I'd rather not be one of them.

Funny thing is, tho- I get stuff done when I've had a couple drinks. I get nothing done without it. And I hate being drunk. It be that slippery slope thing, I think.

Of course, the school related stuff I've just spent 2 hours playing with was mostly not for *my* classes (except for the diagnosis of the obese mr. richard A.) but the online fun and games for the *vet* students, which I am not. So I was playing around in the radiographs, and the extra yummy histo slides, and the ethics lectures. because nothing's as interesting as what you're not supposed to be doing.

I think that's the trick, actually, to getting me to behave like a grown up- tell me I'm not allowed. After all, I'm not allowed to study while drinking, or go to class that way. And sure as hell it's frowned upon in labs. But it just goes so much better. Like back in elementary school, when they'd tell you to look up the vocab words, and write down the deff. and a sentence.... I'd go wandering off thru the dictionary. Much more fun. More useful too.

And yes, I do realize this is not healthy. But I figure some studying is better than no studying. And of course, lots of studying is better than either of those, but I don't see it happening, do you?


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