May 20, 2007

Expanding my musical horizons

So normally, when I want to get my brain working (happens very rarely) I pop in some JS Bach and Fugue my way to a happy brain.

But I've been told there's more to old dead guy music of the possibly mind expanding variety than just dusty old Bach and Mozart. I'm told there's a Beethoven guy too. Crazy, I know.

So I wandered out into the ever seeing vastness of the internets and located me some Beethovens (no, not the dog, or the movie about the dog).

I'm listening to it right now, actually. Picked up some piana sonatas. I'm about halfway thru the first now. 21 in C major, op 5 blah blah blah. So... rather than let the music pull me into working brain, all the first.. wassname (movement?) anyway, the "allegro" one, all it made me think was... "how the hell do you make your fingers move that freaking fast? and what was he on when he wrote that?"

It's like listening to angsty anime on fast forward. Does he like me? he hates me, he loves me, he dumped me, he's screwing my best friend, he looked at me, he wants me, he's changing schools.... I mean... Change pace, fine, but this is like getting tossed in and dragged out of a wind tunnel every 30 seconds or so.

Maybe it's just the pianna players interpretation? If not, I gonna have to stick to the more mundane Beethoveny stuff, 9th symphony and all that.

I guess I just not sophisticated enough to appreciate it. But damn, how do your fingers move that fast?

And yes, this is school related- Bach calms me down, makes my brains run happy. It's like drugs, only cheaper. "Hey kid, try some Fugue, you'll like it, everyone's doing it. All the cool kids. You wanna be cool, don't you? "

Oh man, I'm the street peddler of music that gives most people headaches. Now if only it paid like drug dealing and prostitution.


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