August 27, 2006

update-y goddness!

So I found a place that can fix my baby (that'd be computer to the sane of you out there) in wellington. So I'm going in on tuesday to drop it off, and probably put down some obscenely huge deposit. But eventually I'll get it back(the computer, not the money). That would be really nice. Really really nice.

In other news, I am a total screw up. I have two papers due tomorrow. One is just a lab report (worth something like 20% of my total grade). The other is this stupid essay thing I've put zero effort into. You could even ask allan about it, if you knew him, and He'd tell you how totally crappy my BS draft was, since I sent it to him, and made him read it. I guess I'll be doing that this morning, then, huh?

Test on thursday night. had two last week- one in biometrics (which I passed, but barely) and one for mammal bio lab (which was open notes, and I have no idea how I did). The one this thrusday is for mammal bio lecture. I've got to actually study for it. I can't screw up.
I gave an oral presentation last week in lab. The people watching laughed, but I don't know if they were laughing with me, or *at* me. Ah well, hopefully I did ok on the damned thing. It was worth a whopping 1 or 2 percent of my total grade... um... yeah.

What else... Hmmm.. have to give a 7 minute seminar the week after break- so about two weeks from tomorrow... Oh, yeah! break is next week! so happy!

right then, movie time, I guess. I promise, those of you who care, I will be tracking down a computer with skype on it soon, really, to pick up messages left in the month plus since I made my screen pretty in a bad way.


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