April 17, 2007

I been a baaaad baaaad bunny

Sorry I not post much. I been lazy. Extra lazy. Extra super, olympic, above and beyond even my own expectations lazy.

In vaguely positive tho scary news, I have in fact actually bought a school book. Required text and everything.

I have not, however, actually opened it yet. It's for a test next wednesday. I have plenty of time. I do need to do some physics work, tho- that one's monday... I think.

In totally different news (but strongly related to my outrageous lazyness) I watched all of CSI Miami season 3 yesterday.

Where's the crime scene investigating? where's the follow thru? How the hell do they do DNA sampling and stuff so fast? 10 minutes, start to finish, I swear!

Yes, it's cheesey, and no, if there were more CSI vegas available, I would not watch it. But I've seen all of the Vegas one, and I can only watch it soooo many times. Even if it has more yummy men (warrick and the video guy- archie?) I can only watch each episode so many times in one week.

But back to Miami. What's up with the kid that shows up and magically just *knows* how to do all the stuff in the lab? And they just throw him, alone, on a case? And what's with all the shooting? Don't normal, real cops get in trouble if they shoot people? 'parently criminalists and stuff in Miami get into huge shootouts at least twice a month. They killed off or fired something like half the staff. If it were a real place, I think everyone would be looking for new jobs.

And for bob's sake, could they stop giving the bad actor guy those two part lines? And please, please take the sunglasses away? or just fire him and hire someone else? Someone who can act? Please?

For anyone who made it this far- Yes, I am drinking lots of caffeine filled soda, why?

And I don't know if I mentioned it here or not, but I'm going home at the end of the semester. The dollars drop against, well, everything makes NZ less economically feasible for me. So I be going back to the land of doritos and mac n cheese. Maybe I join foreign service. Who knows.


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